Essay on Human Resource Management
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Human Resource Management
Human resource management is one of the most important activities in an organization. It is an activity that can give the organization a competitive advantage. It is the people who carry out all the other activities in an organization (Saiyadain, 2009). Therefore, if the activities are well executed, the organization will have a good performance, and if they do not execute them well, the organization will have a bad performance. In other words, the people are the once who determine the performance of an organization. The human resource managers have the responsibility of ensuring that the organization has the right people/employees and that they are always satisfied. This is because it is only when people are satisfied that they can be able to perform well. The current world is changing so rapidly, and, therefore, the management should be up to date with the changes so as to ensure that the organization does not lose its advantage.
Recruitment and selection
Recruiting and selection are two terms that are very common in the human resource department. The terms are used together but have different meanings. They, however, go hand in hand. Bot of them are used in the employment process. Recruitment is the process by which the human resource managers identifies the need to hire an individual in the organization. It then carries out the primary activities that are aimed at attracting potential candidates for the job to apply (Colling & Terry, 2010). The HR manager can attract application by advertising the vacant position(s).
On the other hand, selection is the process by which the HR managers choose the candidate who best fits the position that has been advertised. For a candidate to be selected, they must have first applied for the job. Therefore, selection follows recruitment. The selection is done on certain criteria that are laid down by the organization. It is done depending on the qualifications of the candidate as well as the requirements of the organization.
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Recruitment and selection of workers is a very essential process to the organization. It will determine the future performance of the organization (Condrey, 2010). Also, recruitment and selection will enable the management of diversity within the organization. They will also ensure work life balance. Therefore, the organization must ensure that qualified and skilled employees are hired for the job. This will only be possible through effective recruitment and selection. The processes must, therefore, be carried out with the attention and care that they deserve since they are sensitive to the organization.
Training and development
The human resource management is faced with the function of training employees and helping them develop in their careers. They should offer the employees any assistance that they may require to excel in their careers. They should be able to train the new employees and help them adapt to the new culture. Training is the process through which an employee is taught new skills and knowledge that improve their competences. Training also improves the productivity of an employee hence it is a benefits top the organization.
Development, on the other hand, involves helping the employee climb the ladder in their career. Every employee wishes to acquire experience so that they can move up in high positions in their careers. The human resource management should provide a platform whereby the employee can develop in their careers.
Performance management
This is the process whereby the human resource managers of an organization together with the employees work towards developing a plan that will guide the activities of the employees (Sahu, 2007). The managers will then monitor and review the performance of the employees. The plan that is developed sets goals and objectives that the employee should work towards meeting (Pulakos, 2009). Therefore, during the review, the actual performance is measured or compared with the set objectives. There are cases whereby the employee does not achieve these goals. In such cases, the human resource managers will work with them to find ways in which the performance can be improved. The general aim of performance management is to aid in helping the employees improve their performances as well as the general performance of the organization.
Compensation and benefits
Compensation is one of the major factors that motivate an employee. Organizations should also give some benefits to their workers to make them feel motivated. The human resource management is tasked with the role of developing a good compensation plan for employees. They should also offer competitive benefits (Sims, 2010). The performance of employees partially depends on the compensation and the benefits they get. Therefore, the human resource has a great role to play when it comes to the performance of the organization as they are essential in motivating employees.
Labor Relations
This refers to the process of managing employees who are members of various industrial unions. It should be noted that employees join unions so that the unions can be negotiating on their behalf and also fight for their rights. The human resource management is the one that is concerned with managing labor relations. There are laws that govern labor relations in any organization. Labor laws also referred to as employment laws are laws and rulings that protect the legal rights of employees and their organizations. They mediate in the aspects of the relationship that exists between employees, employers and the trade unions (Blanpain & Baker, 2010).
Labor laws are divided into two broad categories. The first one is referred to as the collective labor laws. These are the laws that relate to the relationship between trade unions, employer, and employees (Colling & Terry, 2010). The second one is the individual labor law. This one is mostly concerned with the well- being of employees, their rights at work and their safe working conditions throughout the course of their employment. It is important to note that the working environment is rapidly changing in today's economic environment and as a result, the labor laws have to be constantly reviewed to be up to date with the working environment.
Global HR
Over the recent years, business has gone global due to the increased globalization. As the business organizations go international, there has been the need for the human resource management to position itself to manage employees from various nations across the globe. Globalization has stimulated the need for companies to develop management model that will help them guide their employees in managing their career (Rao, 2012). If an employee properly manages his career, he will have improved performance, and the same will be reflected on the organizational performance. The organization's performance gives the companies a competitive edge over their rivals.
The laws that govern global HR are different in each nation. It is, therefore, important for an international organization to understand the various laws so as to effectively manage its employees. The rules of the organization should be in consistency with the laws of the various nations.
Human resource management is important in any organization as it plays an important role in the competitive battle in the current business world. The HR department should execute its roles with absolute effectiveness so as to achieve the best result. They should also observe the laws that govern HR. This will be important in the success of the organization.
Blanpain, R., & Baker, J. (2010). Comparative labor law and industrial relations in industrialized market economies. Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands: Kluwer Law International.
Colling, T., & Terry, M. (2010). Industrial relations: Theory and practice. (Industrial relations.) Chichester, West Sussex, U.K: Wiley.
Condrey, S. E. (2010). Handbook of Human Resource Management in Government. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons.
Pulakos, E. D. (2009). Performance Management: A New Approach for Driving Business Results. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons.
Rao, P. (2012). HRMexico: Human resource management in Mexico : perspectives for scholars and practitioners. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Pub.
Sahu, R. K. (2007). Performance management system. New Delhi: Excel Books.
Saiyadain, M. S. (2009). Human resources management. New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill Pub.
Sims, R. R. (2010). Reforming (transforming?) a public human resource management agency: The case of the Personnel Board of Jefferson County, Alabama. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Pub.