Essay on Skin Cancer
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Skin cancer is can be detected early in skin examinations. Regular visits to the doctor can help diagnose skin cancer early. When skin cancer is diagnosed early, there are higher chances of treatment success for patients. Thus, medical practitioners advice that patients should seek early diagnosis of skin cancer in order to ease the healing process. It is vital to assess your skin condition preferably twice a month (Buttaro et al, 2013). Moreover, it is also important to take skin tests after shower in order to improve the skin’s visibility. Medical practitioners should asses any birthmarks, moles or blemishes in the skin. The exam should be carried out from head to toe.
Populations who have increased risk of developing skin cancer are people with reduced immunity. Further, people who have a family history of skin cancer also have a high chance of developing skin cancer. These people should seek regular diagnosis in order to treat the condition early in case it develops. People should go for skin tests in order to learn about their body condition. Regular assessment is also important in order to assess the skin condition (Glass & Cash, 2014).
Melanoma is one of the most common cancers in the United States. According to research statistics, 1 in every 10 people in the United States are diagnosed with skin cancer annually (Goolsby & Grubbs, 2011). Further, patients who have previously suffered from the condition have a nine times increased risk of developing another skin cancer condition. Skin cancer is mostly caused by ultraviolent radiation. The use of sunscreen and other preventive measures can help reduce skin cancer mostly caused by exposure to ultraviolent radiations.
Question 2
Medical and Nursing practitioners should ask patients presenting with sexually transmitted diseases questions regarding their sexual life. These questions should entail the frequency of the patient’s sexual activity and the number of sexual partners that the patient has had recently. Further, the medical practitioner should ask questions about the medical history of the patient. The medical practitioner should inquire if the patient has suffered from sexually transmitted diseases before. The medical practitioner should also inquire if the patient has pregnancy plans and what contraceptive measures she uses. The medical practitioner should ask the patient if she uses any form of protection during their sexual activity (Goolsby & Grubbs, 2011).
The patients presents with symptoms of herpes zoster. The disease presents with atypical measles and malignant pain syndromes. However, other differential diagnoses include acne, folliculitis, herpes simplex, ecthyma, cellulitis, aphtous stomatitis, chicken pox, contact dermatitis and erysipelas. The doctor should diagnose the patient in order to find out the underlying cause and rule out other potential differential diagnoses.
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The doctor should diagnose shingles and assess the patient’s skin condition. The doctor may extract fluid from the patient’s rashes and send it to the laboratory for further tests. The patient should be given pain relievers to reduce the pain levels. Consequently, the patient should also be given anti-viral medications such as valacyclovir, acyclovir and famciclovir. Nerve blockers are also recommended if the patient experiences intense pain. Consequently, corticosteroids are prescribed to reduce pain and swelling. However, the use of corticosteroids should be carefully monitored because it can lead to further spreading of the rashes (Cash & Glass, 2014).
Question 3
Benign lesions are differentiated from malignant lesions in their presentation characteristics. Benign lesions compress in the cells affected, and they do not spread to other body parts. In contrary, malignant lesions invade nearby tissues, and they can spread to many parts of the body. This characteristic of malignant lesions is called metastasis. For instance, malignant lesions can cause pancreatic cancer, which can also spread to the liver. Three common benign lesions include germ cell tumors, stromal tumors and common epithelial tumors. Three common malignant lesions include atypical squamous cells, intraepithelial tumors, and atypical grandular cells (Buttaro et al, 2013).
Question 4
Multiple sclerosis can cause facial pain and numbness. Multiple sclerosis occurs when scar tissue builds along the neurons. This blocks the transmission of signals from the brain and the spinal cord. This may cause facial pain and numbness on the patient. The condition is corrected by autoimmune and genetic factors. The disease presents with visual complications such as demyelination of the optic nerves. Moreover, the condition can cause blindness and pain in the eye region. The condition can cause double vision and lateral rectus weakness (Cah & Glass, 2013).
Patients suffering from multiple sclerosis also experience facial weakness. The condition presents with a brainstem disorder. In addition, trigeminal neuralgia is also experienced with paroxysmal symptoms. These paroxysmal symptoms include painful spasm in the face. The condition can lead to acute demyelination, which leads to severe headaches. Moreover, the condition can cause numbness when the spinal nerves are affected. The condition affects adults and Caucasians have a higher risk of developing the condition (Goolsby & Grubbs, 2011).
Physical findings include abnormal vascular responses, abnormal cardiac rhythm and weight loss. In addition, patients may also present with low ADH secretion. Differential diagnoses for the condition include hereditary spastic paraplegia and sarcoidosis. In order to fully diagnose the condition, physicians should evaluate the inflammatory markers, glucose levels, B12 levels and calcium levels in the body. Moreover, the patient should undergo an electrophysiology test to detect any demyelination in the neurons. MRI scans are also recommended to identify the areas of demyelination. Consequently, the physician should assess the level of the cerebrospinal fluid (Buttaro et al, 2013).
Question 5
Altered mental status entails the deformation of the brain functions. Confusion, loss of orientation, disruption of perception and defects in judgment are common characteristics of altered mental status. Three differential diagnoses for altered mental status include alcoholism, bipolar disorder and brain damage. Symptoms of altered mental disease include altered speech, altered memory, altered thought, reduced attention span and reduced alertness. Cases of altered mental status can range from mild confusion to complete lack of alertness (Elaine & Moore, 2012).
Risk factors for altered mental status include low blood sugar, blood loss, head tumor, severe loss of body fluids, substance abuse, heart problems, depression and exposure to toxins. Altered mental status can also be triggered by cultural influences. Culture influence such as stigma, issues of child molestation, stress and occupational hazards such as high working hours can cause altered mental conditions (Cash & Glass, 2014).
The diagnosis of altered mental status should entail measurement of the level of the patient’s blood pressure, oxygen levels, breathing and pulse rate. Blood tests are also necessary in order to assess any abnormalities in the blood such as substance abuse. Further, urine tests are also necessary to evaluate any possible abnormalities in the patient’s urine. Physicians may also engage the patient in X-ray exams to evaluate possible tumors. A computerized magnetic scan and a computerized tomography scan should also be conduted (Elaine & Moore, 2012).
Altered mental status should be maintained by careful monitoring of the patient. Thus, the patient should be assigned a caretaker. Further, the patient should eat healthy and join support programs. Follow-up programs are also necessary to assess the progress of the patient. Over the counter prescriptions for pain and discomfort can also be issued to the patient by his or her caregiver.
Question 6
Alzheimer’s disease is one of the fatal diseases in the world. The disease has no cure or specific treatment. Evidence based research treatment is used to diagnose patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Neurological assessments are mostly used to diagnose patients with Alzheimer’s disease. However, a new research proves that blood tests can be used to assess a group of molecules in the blood, which determines whether individuals will develop Alzheimer’s condition in 2 or 3 years. This test is proven to be 90% accurate among older people (Elaine & Moore, 2012).
The blood test is useful in the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease mostly among old patients. I would use the tests to diagnose old patients who are at a higher risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. However, the blood tests are expensive and not 100% accurate. This has reduced the success of blood tests in diagnosing patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Consequently, the use of blood tests to diagnose Alzheimer’s disease is more complicated than using alternative diagnostic measures. Thus, neurological assessment remains the most useful diagnosis procedure for patients with Alzheimer’s disease. However, further scientific researches regarding the use of blood tests that are cheaper and more accurate to diagnose Alzheimer’s condition are currently underway (Elaine & Moore, 2012).
Buttaro, T. M., Trybulski, J., Bailey, P. P., & Sandberg-Cook, J. (2013). Primary care: A collaborative practice (4th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby.
Goolsby, M., & Grubbs, L., (2011). Advanced assessment: Interpreting findings and formulating differential diagnoses (2nd ed.). Philadelphia: F.A. Davis.
Cash, J., & Glass, C. (2014). Family practice guidelines (Third ed.). New York: Springer Publishing Company, LLC.
Moore, Elaine A, and Lisa Moore. Encyclopedia of Alzheimer's Disease: With Directories of Research, Treatment and Care Facilities. Jefferson, N.C: McFarland, 2012. Print.