Persuasive Essay Examples & Outline

Writing a Persuasive Essay

Persuasive essay

You can never write a good persuasive essay without internalizing the content first. If you are a writer, you will agree with me that it is very difficult to establish flow in a paper if the content is not clear in your head. Personally my best experience in writing is when the ideas flow smoothly from my mind. Similarly, you need to arrange the ideas clearly in your mind when writing a persuasive essay

What Do You Need To Know Before Writing A Persuasive Essay?

Persuasive essay

A persuasive essay is an argument in support of a particular topic. The idea is to convince the reader that your position is the best.

Persuasive essay

You need to choose your position either in support or refusal of the proposed argument. In writing a persuasive essay, it is important to demonstrate full confidence in the topic in order to convince the leader.

Persuasive essay

All points in the essay must converge. Precisely, they must narrow down to the position chosen at the beginning of the essay.

Persuasive essay

Clarity is also an important requirement in writing a persuasive essay. Unclear and contradictory arguments will confuse the reader. A writer can only achieve this if he/she is well equipped with enough knowledge about the topic.

Persuasive essay

In writing a persuasive essay avoid providing options for the reader. The target is to convince the reader to adopt your stance on the topic.

Persuasive essay
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Persuasive essay

Components of a Persuasive Essay

A persuasive essay is divided into four main components which must be available for the essay to be complete. The components include:


The introduction is the first paragraph in a persuasive essay. In this paragraph, you must capture the attention of the reader. Introduce a “hook”-a catchy statement that lures the reader to continue reading the rest of the essay.

The next thing is to give an overview of the essay by highlighting important facts or arguments about the topic. It is also important to define the main concepts that will be used in the essay. Make the introductory paragraph concise but refrain from providing any evidence at this level.

The introductory paragraph ends with a comprehensive thesis statement that state the writer's stance on the topic. A thesis statement is a vital element in a persuasive essay since it defines the direction of the argument.


The body of a persuasive essay is made up of arguments in support or refusal of the topic. Each paragraph introduces an argument. In most cases, the topic sentence introduces the argument. After writing the topic sentence, provide evidence to support the argument.

It is also important to give a hypothetical example, to further explain the evidence. The reader gets to understand the argument better when there is a familiar example relating to the topic.

The last sentence in every body paragraph links the argument to the thesis statement. It is a simple statement recognizing the interconnection between the thesis statement and the argument presented.


Refutation covers on or two paragraphs in the essay. It is a contra argument or an opposition of the main points. It gives the reader the opposing argument.
Since the main intention is to persuade the reader to adopt your stance, the contra-arguments must not out do the main arguments.


Every persuasive essay ends with a conclusion. The conclusion is a reinstatement of the thesis statements and the main argument.

Do not introduce new arguments or evidence in the concluding paragraph. However, you are allowed to review the supporting arguments briefly.
Writing a persuasive essay is a simple task if writers understand the requirements and components of this form of writing. Also, the writer must gather enough information concerning the topic before settling down to write an essay.

I hope the information above was helpful. Success in writing your first persuasive essay

Persuasive essays

Examples of Persuasive Essays and Outline

    Rural broadband in the United States
    In United States, there lies a large gap between the urban and the rural people in terms of the internet adoption. People living in the urban areas have a high possibility of using broadband internet than those living in the rural areas. Size of urban areas is one factor that is put into consideration while analyzing the gap between rural and urban adoption of broadband internet. However, over the past years in America, wireless technologies have evolved in terms of speed and coverage. This sudden change in wireless internet access, in America, is attributed to the free TV frequencies. These spare frequencies are essential as they provide a wider bandwidth for the wireless network (Cohen, 2007).

    Broadband internet is a resource that is essential for people in rural areas. It is through access to fast internet that people living in rural areas are able to obtain information about the government and as well global news (Dwivedi, 2011). Nevertheless, some of the people living in the American rural areas do not have access to fast internet. Wireless networks in the rural areas are not strong enough and therefore not efficient in the transmission of information. However, considering the gap that lies in rural broadband spared T.V frequencies can be used to deal with this situation. The research question is how valuable the spared TV frequencies are in rural broadband (Cohen, 2007).

    Spared TV frequencies are some of the frequency ranges that are not allocated to any TV channel. These frequencies provide a broad range of bandwidth that is necessary for the transmission of the broadband networks. Reversing to the proposal, increasing the number of spared channels could aid in enhancing rural broadband. However, there lay some limitations while allocating the frequencies.  U.S. Federal Communications Commission has laid some limits on the frequencies for the unallocated channels. Tasks that need to be completed while implementing the proposal include allocation of some frequencies to rural broadband. Once this is attained, both hardware and databases have to be updated so that receivers can easily receive the signals sent (Dwivedi, 2011).

    The suggestion of dealing with rural broadband can be implemented in phases. Dividing the project into phases is necessary since receiving and sending of signals through TV channels is tricky to the engineers implementing the technology (Cohen, 2007). However, this is a proposal that does not require a lot of resources while implementing it. In order to avoid interference of this technology, low power supply is used. In addition, it requires a database that is based on the position that will play a role of guiding the technology since the spared frequencies vary in location and are capable of changing with time (Cohen, 2007). This proposal is efficient in terms of the cost of implementation since it requires few resources to operate. In addition, the technology uses an already laid channel for the transmission of signals.

    At the end points, (receiver end), a decoder is placed in order to decode the multiplexed signal. On the other hand, at the transmitter end, a decoding device that will play the role of amplification of the signal will be used. In addition, multiplexing of the signal being transmitted will be done at the transmitter’s end (Dwivedi, 2011). This is a qualitative analysis of the proposal highlighting its qualitative significance to those living in the rural areas. The proposal is estimated to have a total cost of 100000$. This amount will be inclusive of both hardware and labor force used in the implementation of the proposal. This proposal is significant in rural broadband as it will play an essential role in providing quality internet access to rural areas.

    Spared TV channels provide a wide range of bandwidth that can be used in the transmission of broadband networks to the rural areas. These channels have a broad coverage making it easier to have access to the rural areas.

United States. (2003). Broadband access in rural America: Hearing before the Subcommittee on Communications of the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, United States Senate, One Hundred Sixth Congress, second session, March 28, 2000. Washington: U.S. G.P.O.
Cohen, E. S. (2007). Broadband Internet: Access, regulation, and policy. New York: Nova Science Publishers.
United States. (2006). To review the United States Department of Agriculture Rural Utilities Service broadband program: Hearing before the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, United States Senate, One Hundred Ninth Congress, second session, May 17, 2006. Washington: U.S. G.P.O.
Dwivedi, Y. K. (2011). Adoption, usage, and global impact of broadband technologies: Diffusion, practice, and policy. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference.

Canada/ US Relations- The Closest Allies or Bad Neighbors?

    The United States of America and Canada are two nations that have been extremely close for decades on end. The fact that these two great nations are neighbors further improves the state of affairs between the two nations in a way no other two countries in the world can match (Beisner, 2003). Just like two siblings, they may occasionally run into problems and conflicts with each other. However, the most impressive thing is the fact that these two nations are able to resolve these conflicts and surge forward in the pursuit of both individual and mutual happiness.

    Trade is a factor that has brought Canada and the United States of America close over the years. The fact that both nations share and exhibit an entrepreneurial spirit is vital in the pursuit of capitalism in these two states. Capitalism has played a great role in the development of the individual economies of both these nations (Thompson, Randall, 2002). It has enabled Canadian and American folk alike, to exercise their entrepreneurial muscle in attempts to better themselves and their lives. This has over the years resulted in the development of close Canadian-American ties that have been viably exploited in the world of business. When two individuals live as neighbors, it is inevitable that they will interact, share ideas and consult on matters; in other words, build a relationship. This relationship between Canada and the USA has resulted in the development of a working business relationship that sees the Canadian and American citizens enjoy the best of both worlds. Some of the main commodities that are traded between the USA and Canada include lumber, wheat, television rights and magazines. These are some of the commodities that are responsible for generation of business worth about 1 billion US dollars every day (Beisner, 2003). The numbers of trucks that cross from either side of the Canadian-American border are a clear indication of the strong ties that exist between these two states. Canada chiefly supplies lumber and wheat to the USA while the USA supplies Canada with electronic and print media in forms of magazines, journals and television among other commodities. The trade between Canada and the USA has witnessed a meteoric rise over the years with the period after the First World War being the greatest. The end of this war identified the USA as a major trade partner of Canada, unlike before where Britain had that privilege. The harmonization of tariffs between USA and Canada has also contributed immensely to the growth of the Canadian-American relationship. The established of a free trade area and an undefended border has been a key player in the development of Canadian-American trade. The ability of entrepreneurs to move freely between Canada and the USA in search of markets or products has largely shaped the economic landscape of these two countries. For this reason, these two nations continue to be close allies.

    Migration is defined as the movement of an individual from one place to another due to one reason or the other. The migration of Canadians into America and vice versa is very much alive today. The number of American citizens who have moved to Canadian states to live and work is significantly high. The number of Canadians who have moved to America in pursuit of the American dream cannot also be ignored (Beisner, 2003). The migration of individuals in this manner seeks to highlight the existent state of affairs between these two nations. For individuals to migrate freely and at will means that the co-existence between America and Canada is very sound. This migration is not new, both countries having experienced it for years and years. As early as the teething days of Canada as a nation, many individuals were migrating from Canada to the USA and vice versa. These individuals were either attracted by business opportunities or by peace, factors that were elusive in the early days. It was common to hear of Canadian families relocating to the USA in search of jobs at textile factories that paid far better than the textile factories in Canada.

    The USA -Canada border is the longest undefended border in the world. Ek claims that this fact reminds the entire world of the close relationship that Canada and the USA continue to enjoy (2008). The ability of citizens from both sides of the divide to migrate and move freely between the two countries is testament of the strong ties between these two close allies. The number of America-Canadian families has steadily been on the rise over the years. In these families, each of the two partners comes from one side of the border. This has also strengthened the relations between these two states, seeing that they are practically related to each other. After 9/11, there were some stringent measures that were put in place to guarantee America’s security at the Canadian border. These slightly impacted on the movement of Canadian and American citizens (Beisner, 2003). However, the result is that these two nations settled the matter and have come up with measures that allow the free, but supervised movement of citizens as opposed to not settling the matter at all. This has been a stepping stone in fostering Canadian-American relationships as they are. The ability of American and Canadian citizens to cross both borders freely is a symbol of the strong relationship that exists between Canada and America.

    The state relations between Canada and the USA have always been maintained at optimum. The diplomatic ties that exist between Canada and the USA are a product of many years of commitment, hard work as well cooperation between these two nations (Thompson, Randall, 2002). In the beginning, the relations between Canada and America were not as rosy, with America even attempting an invasion of Canada that failed miserably. The occurrence of these events many years ago resulted in the development of a hostile and uncooperative relationship between these two nations. Another situation that greatly affected the diplomatic ties between Canada and America is the dispute over the Northwest Passage. The dispute arose from the fact that America claimed the passage lay on International waters while Canada claimed jurisdiction over the passage. These hiccups that were experienced between Canada and America took their toll on the diplomatic ties. The diplomatic relationship was at an all time low before the First World War. However, President Franklin Roosevelt and Prime Minister William Lyon ensured they mended fences at the outset of World War II. The need to develop close diplomatic ties and maintain them arose from the fact that both nations saw the need to defeat the Axis powers. This, in effect, would guarantee continued prosperity like they had previously witnessed. This resulted in the development of close ties between the two states with Canada even helping America in the making of the atomic bomb. The existence of diplomatic ties goes even before the start of the world war, with leaders occasionally showering the other nation with numerous accolades and praises. The origin of these close diplomatic ties can be said to be in 1947 when President Harry Truman said “Canada and the United States have reached the point where we can no longer think of each other as 'foreign' countries.” This came at the tail end of the world war after both nations had experienced close economic and military cooperation (Beisner, 2003). This can as well be the cradle of the beautiful relationship that these two nations experience today.

War and Conflict
    The United States of America and Canada have been close allies even in times of war or conflict. The alliances that these two nations have formed on virtually every occasion serve to prove the close relationship that these two states have. Canada and America have fought alongside each other in almost every war that they have taken part in. From the war in Afghanistan, to the Gulf War, to the Kosovo War and even to the Korean War, Canada and USA have fought on the same side of the battlefield. This has had a tremendous effect on the relationship between Canada and America, seeing that it influences the way they think and operate. In all these wars, Canadian and American armed forces have developed friendships and close ties that have extended to the foot soldiers on the ground (Beisner, 2003). This has played a role in fostering the good relationship between these two states. However, there have been instances in which these two nations have not agreed on which direction to take. Two case scenarios that depict this disagreement are the Iraq War and the Vietnam War. In these two instances, Canada stood on the opposition and refused to join the USA in the war as an ally. In both of these cases, the USA has suffered major casualties with her losing the Vietnam War. Some critics argue that the success of the USA in war depends on the position of Canada. This is a far-fetched theory that has no direction, bearing that one bases this theory on two instances alone. All in all, the militaries of these two nations continue to foster good, deep relations that are mutually beneficial to both parties.

Military and Security
    The militaries of these two nations have a good working relationship. The fact that these two nations also have a fruitful relationship between the security organs is further proof that America and Canada are close allies (Ek, 2008). The world has always been an unsafe environment, and the need for protection is consistent year in, year out. In order to ensure national security to the nation and in extension to the neighbors, close cooperation between security organs is not only necessary but also mandatory. This will enable the security organs of both nations to share information that will enable each country to protect itself from internal or external harm. The working relationship between American organs such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Intelligence organs with their Canadian counterparts has played a vital role in ensuring that both states are well protected (Thompson, Randall, 2002). Through the sharing of intelligence, these organs are capable of stopping impending attacks before they occur. This gives the government the upper hand since it is no longer acting in a retaliatory capacity. This has been a significant boost for the development of ties between Canada and America. The closely forged relationship between American and Canadian forces is not new, these two nations having joined hands in World War II. Roosevelt and Lyon agreed to have Americans join the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) in order to boost their chances in the War. This resulted in 49, 000 Americans joining RCAF. After 9/11, America realized that she should do more to protect her borders from all sides. This saw the upgrade of security all through the country, even along the Canadian border. Canada was very supportive of America in this time and in their plan of action, a feat that saw them cement their fruitful working relationship.

    Being a constitutional monarch, Canada is still under the rule of the queen. This is the case now and has been the case for many years. Canada’s position puts her under the influence of British customs, even though part of Canada is French-speaking. The culture of the Canadian people is greatly influenced by the British while the Americans seemingly have no culture. Being a conglomeration of different people from different parts of the world, it is impossible to clearly point out the cultural traits of the American people. Being an amalgamation of many people with diverse cultures has its own benefit, seeing that the USA has adopted various cultures of these different people to come up with their own ‘traditions’. The interaction between America and Canada has seen the passing on of American influences on Canadians and vice versa (Beisner, 2003). Many Americans have picked up Canadian habits or behaviors while many Canadians have picked up American behaviors, as well. This has happened for so long to the point that many Canadians are constantly afraid of being Americanized. This is especially so in the English speaking part of Canada where the residents speak the same tongue as the Americans. By exporting their rich culture to Americans, the Canadians have been able to significantly influence how Americans think and act. On the other side of the coin, Americans have exported their ‘liberal’ nature over to Canada. This is evidenced by the fact that a seemingly conservative Canada is now allowing the importation of magazines, movies, television rights, literature as well as sports from America with minimal supervision. This is a great milestone insofar as the Canadian government is concerned, seeing that Canada was once a largely conservative country that fiercely opposed such actions. Over the years, tourism between these two countries has also ballooned with the number of tourists visiting each country rising significantly (Ek, 2008). This appreciation of each other has also played a key role in improving the existent relations between Canada and America. These factors continue to depict the close relations that America and Canada enjoy.

Environmental Conservation

    Being a large country has its own perks, but it also comes with its fair share of responsibilities. The developed manufacturing industries in both of these countries have played a key role in building the economies of these two nations (Thompson, Randall, 2002). However, the active role that they play in the pollution of the environment continues being a serious threat especially in this era in which climate change is no longer purely theoretical but a reality. Ek argues that the industrial emissions by these manufacturing companies have the potential of completely destroying the environment around these two nations (2008). It also bears heavily on the governments of both nations to oversee the conservation of the environment around them. This is because if these pollutions are not regulated, then the result will be an unending blame game as to who is responsible for the environmental degradation. The proposal of the ‘Acid Rain Treaty’ in the late 80’s sought to control air pollution and the subsequent formation of acid rain that affected the environment. Though it received plenty of resistance in the early stages, Mulroney (the chief protagonist in that narrative) emerged victorious with the signing and ratification of the Air Quality Agreement in 1991. This has seen both governments consult twice every year on trans-border air pollution. The development of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation oversees the regulation of pollution levels from industries throughout North America, a factor that continues to yield fruits in the fight against environmental pollution. This has also helped to make America and Canada better neighbors due to their active participation in the fight against environmental degradation in North America. The fact that both countries heavily support the forestation process is a significant boost to their environment. It also gives America and Canada another issue over which they can consult and further develop their relationship.

    Drugs are a serious problem in the society today. Very many young men and women lose their lives due to drug abuse and drug overdoses. This problem is neither geographical nor racial, and it can affect anyone. In Canada and the USA, drug abuse is still a serious problem with which the government has to contend. Worse than drug abuse, is the problem of drug trafficking, which is rampant in both the USA and in Canada. A survey carried out on the American-Canadian border found out that Canada serves as the central source of marijuana and MDMA (ecstasy) for the American market while America serves as a transit body for cocaine on its way to Canada (Beisner, 2003). The drug abuse propagated by the trafficking of these drugs is a significant social problem in both America and Canada. The willingness to work together, shown by these two governments to eradicate this persistent problem, further proves that these two states are close allies willing to work together to solve a common problem.

    The fact that the United States of America and Canada are neighbors is undeniable. It is also undeniable, that these two countries are in reality akin to two siblings; they may quarrel once in a while, but there is really no bad blood between them (Thompson, Randall, 2002). They all strive to ensure that they are happy and that their neighbor is happy, a factor that is vital in maintaining their relationship. The ability of these two nations to work with synergy and with a commitment to one another shows the depth of the relationship that these two countries have. It is not debatable that America and Canada are close neighbors who work together for their mutual benefit. This mutual understanding and concern over the years are what has molded this relationship that the two countries now enjoy. It then goes without saying, in the words of John F. Kennedy, "Geography has made us neighbors. History has made us friends. Economics has made us partners, and necessity has made us allies. Those whom nature hath so joined together, let no man put asunder."


Beisner, R. L. (2003). American foreign relations since 1600: A guide to the literature. Santa Barbara, Calif: ABC-CLIO.
Ek, C. (2008). Canada-U.S. relations in focus. New York: Nova Science Publishers.
Hillmer, N. (1989). Partners nevertheless: Canadian-American relations in the twentieth century. Toronto: Copp Clark Pitman.
Lustig, N. (1992). North American free trade: Assessing the impact. Washington, DC: Brookings Inst.
McDougall, J. N. (2006). Drifting together: The political economy of Canada-US integration. Peterborough [u.a.: Broadview Press.
Stern, R. M., University of Michigan., University of Michigan., & University of Western Ontario. (1989). Trade and investment relations among the United States, Canada, and Japan. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Thompson, J. H., & Randall, S. J. (2002). Canada and the United States: Ambivalent allies. Athens [u.a.: Univ. of Georgia Press.