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Essay On Essay Morality and Fairy Tales

The concept of fairy tales and fantasy stories instructing good morals among the young is not a new concept in the current generation. The fairy tales feature characters such as goblins, ogre, elves and trolls which are used to pass the message to the audience. In the recent times, fairy tales have been classified as children literature and thus are used to impart good morals to children. Initially, the fairy tales were associated with adults since some of the plot was obscene for children (Zavlek, 34-67). Fairy tales were classified under oral tradition since they are narrated orally rather than being read from literary texts. They represented the literary richness of the society and were passed from one generation to the other. This illustrates that the oral tradition was highly conserved among the communities and thus, safeguarded for the good of the society. In most cases, the tales had a sad ending, which was a penalty of dealing with fairy folk (Zavlek, 34-67). The tales could be classified into various sub-genres such as adventure, romance, combat and those that talked about the society. The moral lesson and happy endings of most fairy tales was illustrated by the villain being punished.

Essay On Article Review

To ease the conditions of individuals undergoing chronic kidney failure, Fresenius Medical Care gives the patients a dignified end-stage. They provide quality renal services and technologically advanced high quality dialysis equipment and renal pharmaceuticals (Fresenius Medical Care. 2014). They are committed to providing excellent care to patients by use of the latest technology and superior customer service by their highly trained staff. (Fresenius Medical Care. 2014). Quality health assurance provided helps reduce the patients’ psychological pain and worry, improve quality of life and reduce avoidable hospitalization. It makes life beyond a kidney disease diagnosis worth living.

Essay On Short Stories

The writer undergoes some drastic changes in the course of the story. First, at the start of the story, she has little money for anything including getting her own place to stay. Later on, she has become a bit more moneyed as we see her say that she has started saving money for a trip to Europe. This is more expensive than the trip to Florida that she desired at first. This was as a result of her promotion at work where she now has more responsibilities and more pay. At the end of the story, the writer has let go of the ambition to live alone and instead chooses to live with her mother. This was due to the fact that she did get a place with Kim earlier and ended up not liking the responsibilities that came along with it
