Essay On Special Population Interview
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Special Population Interview
There are various special population groups in the society of the world today. These populations are generally referred to as special populations because their beliefs, needs and activities are different from the normal or the expected activities of the rest of the members of the society. Among this special population groups are the lesbians are the gays, the lesbians, the bisexual and the transgender.
These special groups have both strengths and weaknesses. The gays and the lesbians for instance usually have a major problem with “coming out”. They in most cases prefer to remain unidentified in the fear of being discriminated against by the society (Post, 2015). The transgender usually have weaknesses of telling people that they are transgendered because then people would be confused whether to view them as male or female (Jayson, 2013). The bisexual on the other hand usually have secret relationships especially those that lean towards homosexuality or lesbianism. They in most cases attempt to be noticed as normal individuals in the society (Becker, 2013).
Language has also majorly affected these special groups. The members of the society to discriminate against them, for instance, have called them names such as "faggots" for the gays. These special groups have also had difficulties in putting up with their cultures especially the lesbians and the gays because naturally in most societies a man is expected to marry a woman (Post, 2015). Despite all these difficulties that these members of special groups face, they have also shown great strengths. They have from time to time fought for their rights and gay marriages have been legalized in various states and countries (Post, 2015). The bisexual and the transgender have also managed to speak freely about who they are (Jayson, 2013).
Becker, J. M. (2013, May 29). The Problem of Bisexual Invisibility.
Jayson, S. (2013, May 29). What Transgender Means and How Society Views It.
Post, T. W. (2015, May 29). Acceptance of Gays in the Society Varies Widely.