Essay On Russian Revolution
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Russian Revolution
The Russian Revolution was the revolution in the Russian Empire in the year 1917 in which the tsarist regime was overturned and replaced by Bolshevik rule under Lenin. It took place during the month of March to the month of November. In the first revolution that occurred in March, also called the February Revolution, the Russian Empire was forced to dissolve, and a Provisional Government replaced the old regime. In the second revolution, which occurred in the month of October, the provisional government was removed and replaced with a Communist government also known as Bolshevik government.
The World War I is believed to prompt the outcry that was directed to Tsar Nicholas. The war had developed weariness in the city. It had caused lack of food after the serious disruption of Agriculture in the country. The revolution was not specifically attributed to bad harvests but because the Russian government had been printing notes so as to fund the war. This created a lot of inflation in the country (History, 2015). The prices of goods and services went up, and people were specifically incapable of affording basic items especially food. The revolution used violent strategies to overturn the government.
Wilson’s Fourteen Points
President Wilson on January 8, 1998 made a speech on War Aims and Peace Terms. In his speech, he set down 14 points to be used as a blueprint for the world peace. These points were to be used for peace negotiations after the First World War.
Three of the fourteen pints included first, covenants of peace that are open to no private international understandings and in which diplomacy was to proceed frankly always and within the eye of the public. Secondly, there was absolute freedom of navigation upon the seas, the outside territorial waters, in both times of peace and war. These seas, however, could be closed in wholly or partly by international action during the time of needs for international covenants (History, 2015). The third point is adequate guarantees were to be given and taken that national armaments were to be reduced to the lowest and consistent with domestic safety.
These points at first did not seem fair to all parties with some parties responding sarcastically. However, in later years they were the basis of the German surrender. Countries such as France and Italy also adopted the points. The UK though making further demands also accepted the points.
Experience in the War as Newly Recruited Teenager in the US Military
In the army, we acted independently and did not join the Allies. As part of the Unites States government, we also acted alone especially in matters that pertained to diplomacy. The army received major support from the government on matters relating to the war. The government has invested a lot in supplies, raw materials and money. They provided us with major and latest weapons that helped us to take out our enemies in war with as little difficulty as possible. We had arrived in the Western front in the year 1918 under the command of General John J. Pershing. The general had organized the army in a very strategic way against our opponents (History, 2015). Our major opponents included the armies of countries such as Germany, Italy and Japan. They equally had strong armies and well-developed strategies, but our strategies were still better.
As a newly recruited teenager, my family was especially worried about me, and I was a bit fearful of the war because I had no experiences at all in war. All I had to rely on was the training that I was given just a few months before I officially joined the United States Army. I was worried about my family too, not only because I could die in the war front so young but because they were also in danger and needed protection just like other American citizens from the enemies of the nation. The living standards in the war were at times all about survival especially when the battlefield got intense. For some days, we would go without food. It was also hard to see people die from time to time several others sustaining fatal injuries. Some soldiers in the battlefield lost their limbs and being just a teenager who had never seen things like these people it was tragic and traumatic (History, 2015). On many occasions, I could not get enough sleep, and if I were lucky enough to sleep I would have nightmares.
On November 11, 1918 we had played our major roles and had achieved victory. The total amount of military personnel that were mobilized for the war was around 40,000. By the time the war was coming to an end we had in the military had suffered an estimate of 110,000 deaths. There were another estimated 43,000 that had not died from the weapons of war but influenza. The war had ensured that the US government had made a dramatic expansion in the methods of harnessing the war efforts. There was generally a significant increase in the United States military as a result of the war. The war had also entailed many other major governmental decisions that were coordinated by the President Woodrow Wilson. There were also very varied public opinions on the war (History, 2015). There was a big portion of the American Population that was in disagreement with the United States getting involved in the war. A lot of top politicians, however, were in support of the war as seen in the national debates.
History. (2015, May 30). History. Retrieved from