Essay On Quality and a Safe Environment
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Measures Implemented to Promote Quality and a Safe Environment for the Society
Healthcare services should be patient centered. This is in order to improve the effectiveness of healthcare practices with respect to core ethical values. The mostly accepted levels of patient-centered healthcare include respect, communication, information and physical comfort. Further, care coordination, access to healthcare and involvement of caretakers and family are also vital in patient-centered healthcare.
The thesis of this essay is to evaluate how healthcare measures are implemented. Further, my essay analyzes the barriers to effective health care services for the whole community at large. The objectives of the essay are to assess how measures are formulated, do these measures work? How to make effective measures in health care service delivery.
Measures and objectives
In order to evaluate the efficiency of changes made in the healthcare system, the following considerations should be considered. Efforts aimed at increasing the quality of healthcare services entail efforts that impact the desired change in the desired direction. This entails setting the right measures to ensure the change is implemented. Consequently, one should assess whether the change will cause unintended results. Furthermore, if the change leads to unintended results, they can be corrected to acceptable ranges (Boltz, 2012).
Measuring the quality of healthcare improvement is one way of reflecting good performance. Thus, comparing the performance of various key players in the healthcare sector encourages better performance. Recently, there have been increased numbers of reports aimed at measuring the performance of healthcare sectors in America. This has led to the improvement in efficiency of government measures depicted in public reporting. Moreover, this has increased the identification for the essential areas that still need improvement (Wilkinson & Treas, 2011).
Complexity of the nature of health care systems and the delivery of these systems simulates an unpredictable healthcare system in America. The interdependence and differentiation among clinicians and systems make the rationale of measuring healthcare services difficult. One major hindrance towards putting measures in healthcare systems is the high level of cognitive reasoning required. Consequently, directionary decision making, experimental knowledge and problem solving pose a measurement challenge. In addition, the risk involved in making healthcare decision is extremely high and the right precautions should be put in place (Wilkinson & Treas, 2011).
Health care services are facilitated to patients in risky environments that posses’ complex interactions such as the disease process, technology, clinicians, policies, resources and procedures. When patients are subjected to negative environments, harmful health risks can occur. According to Boltz (2012), health care risks are caused by either active or latent factors. Active factors are considered as factors involving the system’s failure. For instance, risks that involve health care operators or clinicians. On the other hand, latent factors are factors that are found to be inherent in the system. For instance, heavy workload or complex structures of organizations are examples of latent factors.
Latent factors
Latent factors are mostly caused by health care systems overheads. These overheads are deeply embedded in the systems causing inefficiency in health care services delivery. Latent factors affect the provision of professional services by clinicians. Further, these overheads cause inefficiency in the care processes. Latent errors result to active errors (Cherry & Jacob, 2014).
Leadership or staff of the healthcare system induces latent factors. For instance, latent factors can occur because of inadequate training, scheduling and outdated equipment. These factors are almost inevitable while present in health care systems. The major hindrance brought by latent factors is unequal performance by the various divisions of a health care system. However, the effect of latent factors can be reduced by targeting their sources. According to the Institute of Medicine in America (IOM), safety of healthcare practices depends on the healthcare systems and the organizations involved (Boltz, 2012).
How to Influence a Positive Change in Healthcare Service Delivery
Healthcare systems should ensure patients are safe from injury resulting from organizations of care and interactions within the healthcare system. Organizational factors that lead to healthcare inefficiency are considered “blunt end”, while clinicians are considered as “sharp end”. Thus, in order to reduce the level of healthcare inefficiency experienced, the healthcare organizations should be well formulated with regards to the staff’s strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, structural organization of healthcare systems should be aimed at ameliorating the effects of human errors (Wilkinson & Treas, 2011).
The active errors result from flaws in rational thinking after decision-making. Thus, the potential of nurses and other clinicians making logical and right decisions depends on their knowledge and the system’s factors. Further, availability of essential health information, barriers to innovation and workload are major causes of distractions in the healthcare systems. The effects of these distractions are increasing complexity of clinicians’ roles and responsibilities. When healthcare delivery errors occur, the inadequate experience and insufficient training of clinicians are replicated as incompetence, mistakes and violations. Violations create deviation from the safe operating procedures, rules and standards that involve high risks.
Human problem solving and performance abilities are ranked as knowledge based, rule based and skill based. Skill based errors result from unconscious aberrations caused by preexisting routine activities. Rule based errors are limited by the existing rules and regulations set as solution measures. On the other hand, knowledge based errors result from conscious thought errors by the clinicians (Cherry & Jacob, 2014).
In order to increase the overall performance of the healthcare systems, the organizations present in the healthcare system should work closely with the healthcare providers to create a favorable healthcare system. Furthermore, the government should put in place flexible rules and regulations that can be adjusted to cater for the potential risks.
Boltz, M. (2012). Evidence-based geriatric nursing protocols for best practice. New York: Springer.
Wilkinson, J. M., & Treas, L. S. (2011). Fundamentals of nursing. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Co.
Cherry, B., & Jacob, S. R. (2014). Contemporary nursing: Issues, trends, & management.