Essay On Millitary Action
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United States: The police of the World
As compared to the nations around the world, the united States spend the far most amount of money and resources in order to curb as well as contain global violence. Therefore, it can be argued that indeed the United States polices the world.
The Intervention in Libya in order to end the reign of Gaddafi has been one of the controversial interventions that the United States has done in its role as the police of the world. Citing humanitarian grounds, the United States forces together with NATO bombed the cities of Benghazi and led to the win of the rebel forces. However, after that intervention, Libya has sprung into chaos and currently; there is no known leader in the country (Tanenhaus, 2008).
The country has therefore, blamed the United States for engaging in internal affairs. This is the same case with Syria where the United States decided to intervene on humanitarian grounds (Finkelman & Thomson, 2010). The United States has decided to intervene with military action in the country with a policy of no boots on the ground. There is a need to consider the unintended consequences when the United States decided to use military interventions. For example, in Libya, the United States protected the Pro-Gaddafi civilians from the atrocities at the hands of the rebel forces.
During the 1890’s, the United States showed very little interests when it came to foreign affairs. In fact, its army just had around 28,000 soldiers, and a 10,000 man navy which was a sixth the size of Britain’s. There was assertiveness in the 1890’s that was characterized American foreign policy evident in disputes with Chile, Germany and Britain led to the revitalization. There was fear that the United States was being shut out in Trade and this led to the Secretary of State John Hay to issue the Open Door note (Finkelman & Thomson, 2010).
The United States declared that it would be an international police power in the Western Hemisphere. In fact the United States was instrumental when it came to assisting Panama in the securing of its independence from Columbia in order for the country to build a canal. Therefore, it can be seen that the United States became a world power. In fact, from the year 1898 to the year 1899, the United States annexed Hawaii and it was able to acquire the Philippines, Samoan Islands as well as the pacific Islands.
Another significant event in regards the United States policing the world was the operation allied force in the year 1999. Citing Serb atrocities as well as the ethnic cleansing that was taking part in Kosovo, the United States and NATO unleashed air attacks on Serbia. However, vast floods of refugees spilled into different countries, and threatened to enlarge the crisis as well as sparking criticism regarding the lack of contingency planning by NATO (United States, 1994).
The 1992-1993 Somalia invasions are also another example of the United States policing the world. The United States sent troops to assist the United Nations with the distribution of famine relief supplies. After 18 U.S rangers were killed, the United States retreated from the nation building agenda that it had outlined in the country (United States, 1994).
One of the driving forces that fueled international policy is the protection of civilians that were in danger. This is in fact consistent with the United States values. The need for humanitarian effort and intervention can be said to be another important reason as to what drives international policy. Further, the United States gets into military interventions in order to protect its interests aboard.
United States. (1994). Role of U.S. Armed Forces in the post-cold war world: Hearing before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, One Hundred Third Congress, second session, February 10. 1994. Washington: U.S. G.P.O.
Finkelman, P., & Thomson Gale (Firm). (2010). Encyclopedia of the new American nation: The emergence of the United States, 1754-1829. Detroit, Mich: Charles Scribner's Sons.
Tanenhaus, D. S., & Gale (Firm). (2008). Encyclopedia of the Supreme Court of the United States. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA.