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Essay On Global Warming

Global warming is the gradual increase in the temperature of the earth’s atmosphere, oceans and surface due to the occurrence of the greenhouse effect. Continuous emission of gases such as carbon (IV) oxide, methane and fluorinated gases has caused a tremendous change in the composition of the gases in the atmosphere leading to climate change.

Essay On Interoperability

Interoperability describes the extent to which different systems and devices can be able to exchange and interpret shared data. It is critical to understand that for two systems to be interoperable there is a need for them to be able to exchange data effectively and subsequently present the data in a manner that can be well understood by the user (Benson, 2010).

Essay On Special Population Interview

There are various special population groups in the society of the world today. These populations are generally referred to as special populations because their beliefs, needs and activities are different from the normal or the expected activities of the rest of the members of the society. Among this special population groups are the lesbians are the gays, the lesbians, the bisexual and the transgender.

Essay On Bipolar Disorder

This is a research paper on bipolar mental disorder. The paper contains a review of bipolar mental disorder, that is, the history of the disorder and the issues that relate to the diagnostic criteria of the disorder. The first section of the paper is the Introduction section. This section includes the definition of the bipolar mental disorder and the overview characteristics of the people with the disorder. The second section includes the history of the bipolar mental disorder. The third section on the other hand of this research paper involves the diagnosis of bipolar mental disorder. It includes biological, environmental and psychological causes of bipolar medical disorders. It also includes the signs and symptoms of bipolar mental disorders. The fourth section of the research paper is the conclusion section. The conclusion summarizes the overall ideas in the research paper and gives personal opinions about the findings of the research. The final section is the work cited section, and it involves the articles and books used in the research, their publication years and names of their authors.

Essay On Purpose of Higher Education

In my opinion, higher education may be defined as the final level of formal learning that follows high school. It is usually optional and is offered at universities, colleges and academies. Article 13 of the United Nations International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights provides that higher education should be made accessible to all using the appropriate means. Therefore, those who have qualified to pursue higher learning should be availed the opportunity so that they can explore the options before achieving their goals.

Essay On Fast Foods

Fast food are those types of foods are easy to prepare thus can be served within a short time. The foods are also known as junk food and are so popular among young people as most of them are very tasty and do not cost much. However, the ingredients that are used to make fast foods are not nutritious at all. They comprise of high fat meat, sugars and fats, refined grains among others. Many fast foods have a high concentration of sodium and cholesterol compounds, which are unhealthy to the body thus their intake ought to be regulated. The fast food industry has been observed to be one of the fast growing industries in various economies thus it is crucial to ascertain the reason for the tremendous growth, the health risks and the possible solutions.

Essay On Development of Nuclear Energy

Production of nuclear energy stands on the edge between the greatest hopes of humanity and its solemn fears of disasters in the future. It provides clean energy, an alternative that free the world from manacle of over dependence on depleting fossil fuels, such as gas, oil, and coal that are responsible for high levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. It will also help eliminate the hunger for power and electricity and meet demands of electricity of the future. On the other hand, nuclear power calls for great disasters such as earthquakes caused by ruptured power plants. This wraps up that nuclear power production has a good side and the bad side, which restrict many countries from installing it.

Essay On Food & Culture

In the course of my studies, I have been privileged to encounter quite a number of cuisines that come from all over the world. I have had the opportunity to not only sample but learn to cook as well, some of the best cuisines in this world. I learnt that French cuisine, one of the many cuisines that I have experienced, pays a great deal of attention to cheese, wine and bread that all play a vital role in the French cuisine. The French are also keen on flavors and perhaps that is why they prefer to put ingredients such as wine in their food.
Another cuisine that is entirely based on culture is the Italian cuisine. This particular cuisine is primarily centered on simplicity. The Italian cuisine is known to be very simple and most dishes only spot up to four ingredients. The Italian culture pays special attention to the quality of the ingredients as well. Some of the min ingredients in this cuisine include potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, maize and wheat based foods such as pasta
