Essay On Human Growth and Development
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Human Growth and Development
Brown, C.R., & Mazza, G.J. (1997). Healing into action. Washington, D.C.: National Coalition Building Institute.
Studies have found that most often, learning institutions ask students of African-American descent to identify themselves by their race, especially during standardized tests. Individuals are constantly being denied freedoms, rights and opportunities just because of their racial background. This, in some instances, degenerates into oppression where the individuals might be subjected to psychological and physical brutality for displeasing or disobeying those in authority. This is often done to make them comfortable, and also to ensure that they do not attempt to challenge the present conditions. One way in which this oppression can be addressed is through the affected groups being more educated, getting economic advancement and getting better organization.
In the case of discrimination, there is normally some recourse which could be realized either through political action or through the law. In the case of oppression, however, it has been suggested that some sort of force is necessary. This could come in the form of outside military intervention, or revolutionary action. It is important that community developers play their role in helping the oppressed. This not only helps them accept their situation, it also comes in handy in their decision making. It is through reflection and action that the oppressed can improve their circumstances. For them to do that effectively, however, there is need for them to analyze the lives so that they can do away with internalized oppression. When individuals are oppressed, discriminated against or unfairly targeted, they are likely to internalize the misinformation and myth that that’s where they belong. This consequently alters their self-image considerably. Exploited peasants, for instance, might internalize the notion that any different form of work is not for them, and will therefore see themselves as being only worth their current jobs. The stereotype that women are not good at certain disciplines might also be internalized, and they can therefore start to feel that all this misinformation is true.
Internalized oppression is obviously something that affects diverse groups of people: the working class, immigrants, people of color, women the disabled, as well as other groups. It must be noted that although this article is impressive in the way it gives vital insights on the issue of internalized oppression, not all individuals who are discriminated against turn the stereotypes inward. There are those who still regard their heritage in high regard, and this is normally what sets them apart from other individuals who are internally oppressed. The easiest way that any individual can beat internalized oppression is through the exercise of self-respect, interpersonal skills, talent, intelligence and effort. This is something that the author of the article covers exceptionally.
It must be noted that many oppressed groups, rather than embrace their situation and try to address it, often try to escape from it through means like emigration. Although a few might succeed, this only proves a short term remedy in the long run. The author impressively points out to the need of getting better educated and improving their economic and social welfare. These insights prove that the author is well versed in the topic, especially since he desists from mere generalizations. Attention has definitely been paid to detail in the article. Internalized oppression could occur on both an individual basis, or could affect a cultural group. How it is addressed goes a long way in determining that cultural groups’ fate. There have been instances where members of similar cultural groups turn the oppression to each other. They often ignore the larger problem and turn to their compatriots by criticizing, undermining, isolating and hurting them.
Jones, A. (2010). Internalized Oppression and its Impact on Social Change.
Internalized racism represents one of the greatest setbacks as far as effective leadership is concerned. This not only brings about low morale in the workplace, it is greatly detrimental when it comes to making all employees feel appreciated. It must be noted that internalized racism extends beyond class internalized oppression, gender and race. A group’s function is therefore greatly affected by internalized racism. The first damage that is done is that of self respect. Lack of individuals to show self respect may ultimately result in self-righteousness being substituted. This also comes with its fair shares of disadvantages. There is also the risk of irrational behavior.
This makes it even harder for leaders. When a group is oppressed, it is its leaders who mostly have to shoulder the responsibility that comes with the oppression. Studies indicate that individuals are most likely to project their suspicion on those that are deemed most visible. The third issue that comes with internalized racism is divisiveness. With internalized racism comes constant complaints, and no one in a given group will be willing to take responsibility. This consequently degenerates into backbiting, gossiping and non negotiable demands. There is also the issue of pessimism. With internalizes comes numerous worries that never seem to end. Individuals might feel that their social betterment is impossible, their bold action will backfire, or that their experiments won’t work. All these are detrimental in that they carry some negativity with them.
Internalized racism, as can be noted, takes many forms and shapes, and this is the author’s main point. Racism, therefore, is not only a process; it is also a relationship and condition that harms victims psychologically, materially, spiritually, physically and socially. Racism, just like oppression, has impacts that are negative on both self-determination and self-development, and this is something that the author points out plainly. Racism can also be institutional or individual. Therefore, there is unconscious racism and conscious racism, and this is something that most individuals fail to realize. The fact that the author mentions this makes the article particularly educative. There are various factors that reinforce internalized racism.
They include action of state bodies, government policy, as well as the media. The most unfortunate thing about internalized racism, as the author points out, is that it makes individuals turn upon their own people; their relatives, as well as their friends. The misconception that the majority is always right should not be supported if internalized racism is to be addressed conclusively. The majority is not always superior, and as such, should not be let to set all the standards. If this is tolerated, it could easily lead to self-destructiveness, and this is what the author is trying to point out to. Internalized racism, simply put, is self hatred. Once oppression or racism has been internalized, very little is required to ensure it stays in place. It programs individuals to carry their negative self-images, pain, confusion and fears. Unless individuals liberate themselves from internalized racism, they will always struggle with it.
Moses, J. W. (2014). The Politics of Immigration: Introduction to a Special Issue on US Immigration. European Journal of American Studies.
While the current U.S administration is burdened with various pressing issues, the predicament of undocumented immigrants is high among them. However, Obamas victory was instrumental in silencing the most xenophobic voices in the country. The current political context is one that has seen the successful transition of views, and hope has currently vanquished fear. America has been struggling with the duty of ensuring the humane and reasonable response to the rights and requirements of its immigrants. It is not possible to gauge the exact size of the country’s undocumented immigrants. This has been made even difficult by the irregular status of this population. There have been suggestions that these illegal people intentionally avoid efforts to count them, and this has further complicated the problem of factoring them in in national issues such as budget allocation. Rough estimates suggest that illegal immigrants in the country are in excess of 12 million.
However, heated debates have in recent times come up regarding the question of whether illegal immigrants should be protected or prosecuted. Some quarters have suggested that they are instrumental in keeping the country running. They do jobs like caring for the elderly, washing bathrooms, as well as pick crops. Simply put, they do jobs that the average American would normally shy away from. However, what they get in return is treatment like second-class citizens. Immigrants, it must be noted, have always been subjected to wide ranging exploitations. The exploitations include being deterred from organizations, unlawful arrest and raids, miserable pay, as well as dirty jobs. Their plight was made even worse after the 2001 attacks which completely shook the country’s political climate. The context in which immigrants are currently placed in the U.S is one which is characterized by fear. This, however, affects some races more than others. They are frequently treated with suspicion, something that affects all their life spheres.
Obama’s election was instrumental in changing the treatment of immigrants in the country. Congress has instituted changes that are meant to change the approach in which border control is done. The author points out that although illegal immigrants have frequently been subjected to unfair treatment, the situation has improved significantly in the recent past. They have always been given mixed signals. One is that their help is needed, while the other is that their presence is not welcome. Statistics have always shown that it is because of the illegal immigrants that American are missing out on opportunities that are rightfully theirs, and this has not helped matters. The author is impressive in the way he covers this issue because he gives a deep insight regarding the actual situation.
The issue of undocumented immigration is one that remains contentious despite the numerous attempts to address it. The author states that the expected costs of undocumented immigrants will greatly influence the immigration policy, and this is something that he supports with concrete evidence. Neutrals have suggested that the country’s political debate on matters related to immigration is myopic. From the evidence given by the author, it is easy to see why. Illegal immigration is a topic that continues to have a considerable gap separating academic research and public opinion. Most individuals are quick to point out that national resources are being drain by illegal immigrants, without first establishing the role of the immigrants in building the particular resources. The author is therefore right is calling for insightful debates on the issue.
Medina, D. A. (2013). About 15% of Americans live in poverty, so why is no one talking about it? The Guardian.
There is a misconception that poverty and hunger are only problems of developing countries. While most American citizens will admit to seeing someone experiencing poverty and hunger, very few of them have realized it. This, however, is not to imply that the problem is non-existent. Poverty and hunger come in different forms, and the one that most Americans experience is one that is totally different from that of developing nations. For instance, it is difficult to see images of outright homelessness, starvation or even a malnourished child.
The poverty that is witnessed in America is one that comes in a different form where a single parent might be struggling by working full time and still not affording to cater for medical bills, rent, or even child care. Despite its status as the wealthiest nation, poverty and hunger still persist. Although a considerable percentage of the country’s population live in poverty, the administration will not just admit it. No one is talking about poverty, not even the mainstream media, despite its continued growth. It has been suggested that as far as public interest is concerned, the issue of addressing poverty has been an outright failure. Although the government should not be belittled in its attempt to try and tackle poverty, it is evident that much still waits to be done.
America’s mainstream media has come under criticism in recent time for being too one-dimensional when it comes to covering real issues of national concern. This is a trend that the author is worried about, and rightly so. Critics have suggested that very little airtime is accorded to covering important national concerns like poverty. Shocking revelations have been made that most advertisers shy away from covering poverty related issues because it is seen as time consuming and non-lucrative. A significant proportion of Americans do low-wage jobs and this has ben blamed by observers as one of the reasons that poverty levels are always rising. Single parenting in most household is yet another factor that is greatly contributing to the soaring poverty levels. This makes it almost impossible to earn a decent living that can cater for all the bills that the average American currently pays. The author is therefore right in stating that the poverty being faced by many Americans is one that is totally different. Further, the jobs that are available do not make things any easier. Cash disappearance for mothers who earn a low income is slowing disappearance, and again, no one seems to be interested in the matter. The author is impressive in the way he tries to appeal to emotions in the article. Good jobs should not only be a requirement in the current crisis. It is imperative that mechanisms be instituted that will ensure a lasting solution if the poverty menace is to be addressed conclusively.
Medina, D. A. (2013). About 15% of Americans live in poverty, so why is no one talking about it? The Guardian.
Moses, J. W. (2014). The Politics of Immigration: Introduction to a Special Issue on US Immigration. European Journal of American Studies.
Jones, A. (2010). Internalized Oppression and its Impact on Social Change.
Brown, C.R., & Mazza, G.J. (1997). Healing into action. Washington, D.C.: National Coalition Building Institute.