Essay On Maleficent
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Maleficent is a daring fairy tale movie that contains wide aspects of adventure and imagination. I watched the movie the other day and I must admit the graphic effects employed to create the fiction were captivating. Maleficent is a Disney movie seems to echo the movie “Wizard of Oz.” Maleficent is the main character and the story revolves around her life.
The movie has exhilarating scenes that are interesting to watch. Maleficent is a fairy tale revision that rehabilitates one of Disney’s diabolical villains who cursed sleeping beauty. Maleficent is the villain and she has her own reasons to cast the spell. The role of maleficent is well played by Angelina Jolie who embodies an extraterrestrial being with horns and wings. However, before Angelina Jolie appears as mature maleficent, little maleficent role is played by Issobelle Molloy. She plays the role of an innocent maleficent who jolly and kind hearted living in a peaceful kingdom. However, things change and “Maleficent” return as Angelina Jolly to save her beloved moors from invaders. The movie entails wide levels of torture and huge number of body counts. The movie implies a basic concept that touching iron burns fairy, which is used to create drama in most scenes.
The most outstanding characters in the movie are Maleficent, role played by actress Angelina Jolie, and other fairy characters played by Imelda Staunton, Juno Temple and Lesley Manville. These characters play well in a superimposed enchanted background. Although the movie widely buys from sleeping beauty, she is not present in the movie. Princess Aurora, a character present in sleeping beauty, appears as an afterthought in the movie. She plays a vital role in the softening of Maleficent. The role is played well by Elle Fanning, but unlike in sleeping beauty, the character does not present much in the movie.
The most interesting scenes in the movie are the first and the last scene. The first scene begins the plot of the story well simulating a once peaceful and happy kingdom. The original sleeping beauty movie did not narrate much about Maleficent’s past. However, maybe it is because she was not the main character. The movie begins well with the little maleficent, playing with her beloved moors and other fancy creatures living in the kingdom. The transition from the little Maleficent to the mature one played by Angelina Jolie begins action in the movie. The last scenes involve wide levels of graphic animation and effects that simulate an exhilarating climax of the movie. The tussle between maleficent and the villain is well presented in the movie.
The moral of the story is forgiveness as Maleficent regrets her anger reflected on Aurora, who was once her best friend. The movie ends on a happy note as the two reconcile emotionally. After the climax, which is full of torture, the movie ends well with the tension between the antagonist and the protagonist resolved. Thus, it ends well as any other fairy tale would have ended.
The movie cuts across ages and it is suitable for all movie enthusiasts. However, the movie has various scary dark scenes that would influence fear on little children. Therefore, parental guidance is necessary for young audience. However, the movie is interesting for adults, teenagers and even children to watch. Consequently, the plot of the story is interesting for book readers who liked the original sleeping beauty tale. On the other hand, the movie borrows heavily from previous fairy movies. Thus, it is easy to identify with some characters in the movie and the movie creates further engagement of these characters, in both familiar and unexpected ways.
Rudnick, E. (2014). Maleficent. Google books ISBN 1423190483.