Essay On White Privilege
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White Privilege
Privilege, especially when it comes to white privilege and male privilege is often very difficult to see for those that were not born with access to resources and power. It is, however, very visible to the persons that the privilege was not in any way granted to them. White privilege can be said to be power that has been conferred systematically. The white privilege can be said to be an institutional rather than a personal set of benefits that are granted to white people because of race (Lund 43).
They are given this power because they resemble the people that dominate the powerful positions in the society. This paper will describe the concept of white privilege and explain the effects that it can have on the workplace.
One of the main privileges is that white people generally have greater access to power as well as resources than other races do; in simpler terms, purely on the basis of the white skin color doors often open which unfortunately are not open to other people (Lund 18). For example, in the United States, two persons with an exact financial history, one black and the other white, the white person is two to ten times likely to get a housing loan as compared to the black person. White people can, for example, count on the fact that indeed the nation's history books will experience the history of whites from their perspective (Halley 63). However, this is not the case with American Indian parents, whose children will not learn in school regarding the contributions of their people.
It is of the essence to note that indeed white privileges are often bestowed upon them prenatally. White people cannot give it away white privilege nor can they take it. An example is that if a white man walks into a drug store, the probability of having hair that is designed for white hair is extremely easy (Halley 95). However, black hair products are often much hard to find; African Americans often have to drive for miles in order to find their hair products. Further, it is extremely easy to understand when a band-Aid box states fresh color, it often means white skin color but not those of Latinos and Asians. However, as a white person, it is extremely difficult to give these privileges back. One cannot be able to undermine the privilege of teaching and writing history from only the perspective of a white person. White people often carry around stories which they were taught as being truths and they totally discredit those who do not.
In the workplace, white persons are more likely to get a promotion as compared to their fellow Latinos, Asians and Blacks. For this reason, most people feel hatred towards white persons because of their white privilege (Karsten 37). This is because they know that when a promotion opportunity arises in the office, white persons are often more likely to be given that opportunity (Karsten 48). This is also the same case when it comes to employment; white people are more likely to be hired as compared to black persons. It is extremely hard to get rid of white privilege in the workplace because it has been deeply embedded into the society. Therefore, managers should be able to understand how to deal with it and make sure that all the workers in the organization feel appreciated and respected.
Works Cited
Karsten, Margaret F. Gender, Race, and Ethnicity in the Workplace: Issues and Challenges for Today's Organizations. Westport, Conn: Praeger Publishers, 2006. Internet resource.
Halley, Jean O. M, Amy Eshleman, and Ramya M. Vijaya. Seeing White: An Introduction to White Privilege and Race. Lanham, Md: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2011. Print.
Lund, Carole L, and Scipio A. J. Colin. White Privilege and Racism: Perceptions and Actions. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2010. Print.