Academic Writing

Academic writing is a style used by researchers in defining intellectual boundaries in different fields of expertise. It is characterized by a clear focus of the research problem, use of precise words, a formal tone, and the third-person’s perspective. is an academic writing company that specializes in writing academic research papers for all its customers. Many students require academic writing assistance, and we endeavor to satisfy their needs. We are experienced and qualified to offers solutions relating to academic writing. knows the importance of logical rather than fictional writing using cohesiveness in the organization of ideas to form a unified whole. Academic writing is described by the use of links between points to form a general argument with relevant primary sources. Research problems are presented from an authoritative point of view to avoid biases. Students also ought to know the significance of using clear and precise language. Our writers, as opposed to other academic writing companies, have embraced this skill for better work quality.

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Most writers fail to comprehend that describing topics and research questions is far from academic writing. is based on establishing the problem, proving or disapproving results and solutions outlined and finally supporting opinions founded on evidence. Embracing such techniques forms a clear road to success. Students have a chance at experiencing this excellent and eminence service instead of relying on other unreliable sources. Only at are complex ideas precisely defined as clearly as possible achieving the aim of academic writing.

Essay On Childhood Depression

Children behave differently due to a myriad of reasons (Miller, 2010). Some of the child behavior problems include aggression such as throwing tantrums, poor socialization or being introverts, refusing to pay attention to others while talking and physical assault. In most cases, child behavior is influenced by family background (Douglas, 1989). In this case, the parent should take full responsibility of the child at home in order to curb such behavior. Children who reign from divorced families experience distorted behavior (Matheson & Matheson, 2000). This is mainly due to the lack of affection from either of the parent. Inappropriate behavior in the classroom contributes largely to the disruption of the learning process (Douglas, 1989). Childhood behavior may escalate to levels that are intolerable. There are several root causes of child misbehavior which reflect in the classroom environment (Miller, 2010). This paper is an in-depth analysis of childhood misbehavior and what contributes to the deviance. The paper also examines the appropriate strategies that will help to combat the behavior.

Essay On Essay Morality and Fairy Tales

The concept of fairy tales and fantasy stories instructing good morals among the young is not a new concept in the current generation. The fairy tales feature characters such as goblins, ogre, elves and trolls which are used to pass the message to the audience. In the recent times, fairy tales have been classified as children literature and thus are used to impart good morals to children. Initially, the fairy tales were associated with adults since some of the plot was obscene for children (Zavlek, 34-67). Fairy tales were classified under oral tradition since they are narrated orally rather than being read from literary texts. They represented the literary richness of the society and were passed from one generation to the other. This illustrates that the oral tradition was highly conserved among the communities and thus, safeguarded for the good of the society. In most cases, the tales had a sad ending, which was a penalty of dealing with fairy folk (Zavlek, 34-67). The tales could be classified into various sub-genres such as adventure, romance, combat and those that talked about the society. The moral lesson and happy endings of most fairy tales was illustrated by the villain being punished.

Essay On Development of Nuclear Energy

Production of nuclear energy stands on the edge between the greatest hopes of humanity and its solemn fears of disasters in the future. It provides clean energy, an alternative that free the world from manacle of over dependence on depleting fossil fuels, such as gas, oil, and coal that are responsible for high levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. It will also help eliminate the hunger for power and electricity and meet demands of electricity of the future. On the other hand, nuclear power calls for great disasters such as earthquakes caused by ruptured power plants. This wraps up that nuclear power production has a good side and the bad side, which restrict many countries from installing it.

Essay On Impact of Culture on Business Behavior

People living in certain regions adopt values and cultural practices that define their behavior and social interactions. There are norms that define how they act and relate with other people. Similarly, there is a specific chord of conduct in the corporate world that every investor or business person must conform to regardless of the scope or nature of his/her business. Since people adopt different practices and believes, there is great diversity in the behaviors that they presume to be ethical. From the above it is clear that culture has direct impact on ethical standards and business behavior.

Essay On Gender and Division of Labour

A global dis-course of human rights and increased focus of State interventions on feminism has resulted to its re-shape. Women’s rights are now considered human rights and feminists activity has turned away from being viewed as an autonomous separatists group and has been mainstreamed into the society and the state This is as a result of the transition in the gender regime and globalization. Globalization has facilitated development of new institutions, spaces and an increase in the use of rhetoric where human rights are a powerful justificatory principle. It has increased the political and economic opportunities and resources available to women. In the past, division of labour was absolute: women worked in the private and unpaid sphere and men in the public sphere. However, a call by liberal feminist to women has increased their entry into the public sphere and paid workforce. Changes in the gender division of labour have however, been observed (Allison, 2002, p.33)

Essay On Civil Rights Act

No matter how right it may appear, liberating a person who has been hobbled by chains and expecting him to compete equally with others is completely unfair (Lyndon Johnson, 1965). There is need to empower such a person by creating a favourable environment for him to compete effectively. The civil rights act 1964 was created to respond to the constitutional question on whether the constitution’s prohibition of denying equal protection guaranteed banning of the use of racial, ethnic or gender criteria in the attempt to bring justice.

Essay On The Bad Influences of Corn

The corn system in America is highly unstable and has several negative influences on health and the economy. These are the main reasons why the idea of growing corn in America should be revised or replaced with a more productive investment. Corn produces some beneficial products such as corn flour which is used as a food, cornmeal, grits, sweet corn, and hominy. However, it has negative effects in public health and the economy of America. It is mostly used as animal feed and its negative health effects on animals are transferred to humans when they take animal products.In addition, it affects the economy of the United States negatively. Corn makes use of land which is an important factor for production. Since it economic contribution is very low this resource ends up being wasted unlike a situation where the same would be used for industrial or to produce other products that would yield better results. The government directs heavy subsidies to corn farming whereas it has so many health-related and uneconomical issues. Corn has fattening effects on cattle, hogs, and chicken. These effects are transferred to humans and one of the biggest health concerns caused by corn is obesity. Although corn is food that can provide nourishment, it is also a vice that affects public health and the economy of the United States.

Essay On Tokyo Trials

At the end of World War II, the eleven countries which formed the Allied Powers (Australia, Canada, China, Netherlands, New Zealand, Philippines, Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, France, India and the United States) indicted and prosecuted military, political and diplomatic leaders on account of crimes against humanity and War crimes that were carried out in Southeast Asia between the years 1928-1945[ A C Brackman, The Other Nuremberg: The Untold Story of the Tokyo War Crimes Trials ( Morrow, New York 1987)76]. The trials were coined Tokyo trials since the proceedings took place in the city. The trials stood alongside Nuremberg Trials since they contributed to International law. This trial lasted longer than the former Nuremberg Trials. The idea of prosecuting the war leaders on crimes against humanity was generated late after the war
[ A C Brackman, The Other Nuremberg: The Untold Story of the Tokyo War Crimes Trials ( Morrow, New York 1987)43]
