Essay On Choic History
Marcus Tullius Cicero was born on the 3rd January 106 B.C.E. He was also known as Tully. He reigned from a small town known as Arpinum which is located on south-eastern part of Rome (Boardman, Griffin & Murray 45-67). The actual meaning of Cicero is chickpea and originated from one of his ancestor who had a wart that resembled a chickpea. In Rome, Cicero studied philosophy, law and literature. In his time, Cicero was an important statesman but he was famously known as an author. His life was faced with a lot of dramatic turns. The great body of his writings including the personal correspondence forms the central interest of his life. He was widely associated with republican or aristocratic party in Rome. He was also an important leader in the era of Pompey and Julius Ceaser. In his time, he was vocal of ideals and objected tyranny. His principles opposed corruption and bureaucracy. This paper tries to give an account of Cicero and the influences he had in his time and the extension in the modern times.