Essay On Emirates Advanced Investment Group
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1. Introduction
The rationale for change refers to the maintaining of a company’s status to help it compete in the global market. It involves keeping the status quo especially the quality. It is the obligation of the management to devise methods to trigger continued improvement of the firm to show its growth. Continued improvement activities include rectifying obvious problems, monitoring change and sharing information before and after making improvements.
2. Company’s Background
a. Brief company’s history
The Emirates Advanced Investment Group is a diversified investment group of companies that offers different services to clients all over the world. The company was founded in June 2006 as a sole proprietorship by His Excellency Hussain Ibrahim Al Hammadiand is based in Abu Dhabi. The company since then has launched many industrial initiatives that are considered tactical and of high benefit to the United Arab Emirates’ economy.
The main units of investments that the company has prioritized in in include aviation, healthcare, information and communication technology, leadership growth and training, food and agriculture and business and consultancy training. In its aviation industry, the Group offers aircraft maintenance, flight logistics and material planning, air traffic control and air travel project management. In its information and communication sector, it offers systems of integration in the defense and security industry in the United Arab Emirates.
The company provides recreation-training lessons, which comprise of adventure training to the natives and international clients. Of most importance, the company has invested greatly in real estate development where it offers real estate services such as architectural, structural, MEP enhancement as well as equipment and building projects management.
To boost its production in the food sector, the company has entered into various strategic agreement with various stakeholders to establish an efficient and reliable food distribution platform in the United Arab Emirates. All the different units of the firm are what shapes its names as they perform excellently both locally and internationally. The company has a high order strategic plan where it has clearly stated its vision, mission, principles and its tactics for accomplishment of set objectives. A clearly defined strategic plan contributes to the success of the firm.
b. Vision
The firm has a well-defined vision that is very inspiratory to upcoming entrepreneurs which acts as its guiding force and the reason for its existence. Its vision is, “To be the regional and international leader in developing new investment dimensions through genuine business concepts, state of the art technologies and high quality products and services (EAIG, nd.).” The company aims at developing to levels where it dominates not only the United Arab Emirate’s region but also the globe through innovations in technology especially in information technology and creative business ventures.
c. Mission
The Emirates Advanced Group has a clearly stated mission, which it strives to accomplish in its daily activities. The Company’s mission helps it explain its identity, its all-round activities and its aspiration as it expands as per it vision to dominate the local and international markets in all its investments. The Company’s mission states,” To be a leader in the development of the national economy, through carefully selected investment initiatives, in multi-disciplinary industry sectors (EAIG, nd.).” The company has a duty to first develop the country’s economy via its carefully analyzed investments.
d. Values
The company has set values that help it foster a lasting and healthy relationship with colleagues, customers and other local and international communities. The virtues are defined to guide the staff of the company in their work and make them have a special focus in all they do. The morals include customer focus, teamwork, and passion for excellence, leadership, trust and respect.
e. Other information
I. Strategic Objectives
Thegoals that the company has laid outare made priority as they determine the current and future health of the business. Strategic objectives are determined after comprehensive analysis of the company’s practices such as SWOT. Its first objective is to increase its market share, though competition is high but first it has to analyze the competitive nature of the market to identify the market gaps locally and internationally to utilize in the market.
The other objective the company has is to strengthen its financial resources, which involves building cash flow to attract investors especially in the firm’s real estate sector. The revenue obtained from the investors is to be used in the future expansion of the company by creating new businesses as stated in the company’s vision. Being innovative creates uniqueness of the corporation’s products and services thus attracting customers. Extensive research and creativity enhance innovation. The firm has identified particular action steps to spur them towards achieving its set objectives (Burris, 2014). Action planning entails determining the priority objectives of the Company and setting SMART goals on them.
II. SWOT Analysis
The Emirates Advanced Investment Group SWOT Analysis is reputable thus; aspiring firms who are seeking success in their line of business should emulate the company. The analysis is divided into two internal analysis and external analysis where internal analysis focuses on the strengths and weakness of the Company and the external analysis is based on the opportunities and threats to the business.
It has well defined strengths, which are portrayed in different ways. The company financial strength is large as it is proven by the expansion the company has and the capital base in each industry. The high quality goods and services that have made the company gain international recognition are because of the large amount of resources channeled towards their line of production.
The company has a highly trained and strong management team that has led to its success locally and internationally. The management under the leadership of His Excellency Hussein Ibrahim ensures the functionality of all the units of production making sure that high quality standards are maintained to suit the customers’ wants
The company has limited weaknesses as over the years it has struggled to eliminate them to minimize on its costs. However some drawbacks are recurrent, thus need constant adjustment after some time. Since technology keeps on advancing, new machinery, which are efficient, fast, and durable keeps on being invented thus the company suffers from out dated facilities after a certain period, thus it has to keep on purchasing new ones to ensure maximum productivity of high quality products and services.
The drawbacks mainly occurs in the information and communication sector where devices that are more complicated and efficient come up after some time because of the advancement in technology. The opportunities are shown from the various market gaps in the various economies both locally and internationally thus it is up to the company to utilize them to achieve its visions as the creator of new businesses (MSG Team, 2013).
The company has numerous threats that affect it operations but through the effective management, the adverse effects that come with the threats are manageable.They include disorder among employees thus affecting the production process, changes in technology, ever-rising competition and reduction in the industry’s profits. The SWOT evaluation has benefited the Group greatly as it has helped it bring into line its wide resources and capabilities with the competitive setting in which it operates.
III. Competitive strategy
Competitive strategy is the way in which an organization attains a competitive advantage. The Emirates Advanced Investment Group applies the three types of competitive strategy namely cost leadership differentiation and focus strategy to attain its advantage over its competitors in the market. The company applies the cost strategy in its food and Agriculture unit as price is the determining factor. The strategy involves minimizing the production costs as much as possible to enable the company to set lower prices in the market compared to its competitors.
Differentiation strategy involves creating uniqueness in products and services thus making a firm distinct from its rivals. The strategy has been applied in the company’s hospital sector where it has incorporated quality information technology knowledge in the treatment and care of its patients. The implementation of the strategy has greatly reduced price sensitivity as the customers feel that the service is worth the payment no matter how much it may be.
The other units of the company apply the focus strategy where by the company channels its efforts in particular market sectors. It involves determining of the specific wants and interests of the people and providing them accordingly. The enactment of the stated strategies is what has made the firm have impressive gains over its competitors making it generate more sales, attract, and retain many customers locally and globally (Porter, 2008).
3. Overview of the Company’s current TQM system
Total Quality management is the process by which a company optimizes and integrates all the activities of a businessto satisfy consumers’ human wants through the process of incessant enhancement. The Group has incorporated total quality management in its system to ensure that it meets the needs of the customers fully. When applying TQM, the company needs to set some objectives that help govern its activities.
The objectives include process elevation, fault prevention, development of cause-effect relationship, helping the team in proficient decision-making, separating of trivial and significant needs and observing the behavioral changes over a given time. The major principles of any business institution is to satisfy the consumer, satisfy the supplier and the constant improvement of the business.
The Group has adopted certain promotional techniques to make the customers feel contented and they count on the producers by classifying them as either internal or external customers.The other sole mandate of the company is to fulfill the needs thesupplier has, as they are the ones that sell goods and services to the company. The company has to meet the demands of the suppliers by providing them with detailed instructions on what they want for the firm and making their payments on time and fairly.
Doing it ensures that they are supplied with goods of high quality which are in good shape. The company is an internal suppler itself thus the management has the responsibility of creating a conducive environment for the workersfor them to produce products and services of high quality to their clients. The firm might motivate the workers by offering the right tools for the job including protective gear, noble task instructions and a good pay (Kurtus, 2001).
The third principle of TQM is the continuous improvement as a firm is never satisfied with its current production methods as they keep on changing duethe constant changes in technology. The company is working smarter by examining the root of the problem in case of delays and working accordingly to eliminate the drawbacks. The company also considers the suggestions made by the workers, as they know best the production process and the areas that need improvement and restructuring. The company is venturing into using quality methods to improve on its production processes and reduce waste production. Other quality management principles that can be beneficial to the firm include teamwork, trust, communication and assurance by senior management and employees.
4. TQM principles and Quality Philosophies adopted
a. Deming, Juran and Crosby
The Emirates Advanced Investment Group has adopted particular total quality management philosophies that have seen it advance tremendously in quality providence on its products and services. The philosophies were devised by certain scholars who explained them in detail inform of points. The scholars include W. Edwards Deming, Joseph Juran and Philip B. Crosby where each of them developed a different aspect of total quality management.
Deming had the notion that improvement of quality on a company’s products and services helped it establish itself adequately in the competitive market. His philosophy is based on fourteen points, which can be summarized into four distinct points, namely plan, do check and act. For planning, Deming argued that a business should design a quality product or service that suits the specifications of the customers efficiently, it should adopt production processesand systems that aim at decreasing waste and elevating quality.
Its focus should also be on decreasing cost of production, which leads to higher incomes. To ensure quality products and services in the all the industrial units of the Emirates Advanced Group, the company via its highly qualified professionals, drawn from all over the world, trains the staff members on the different production procedures to ensure smooth running of production process.
The workers in the company’s service industry, which includes communication systems, healthcare, project management among others, are trained on the best ways to handle customers and how to offer the services in an efficient and attracting manner. The training also helps them know the diverse tastes and preferences that customers have thus making them flexible to the changes (Baumeyer, 2014).
Planning is followed by doing which involves implementing what has been laid out to ensure quality prevalence. The doing concept involves seeking new ways to carry out tasks better to improve on the production process which leads to an high creation process which rises the volume of goods and services produced. For the Group, the concept involved implementing all the lessons learnt by the workers in the planning stage.
The company employed high quality management staff who had profound skills and knowledge on the various production processes thus guarantying that it had built quality from the start, as the supervisors were to guide the workers on the best production methods thus assuring that quality is maintained. The implementation of the plans helped the Group improve continuously on the mode of production thus reducing the cost of production and ensuring that the customers’ wants were met effectively.
The third concept according to Deming involves checking where by the company monitors the changes that need to fixed in all the production processes to improve on the quality of creation. The Advanced Group ought to remove all drawbacks that hinder quality attainment like providing the workers with the necessary equipment to do the job efficiently. The company breaks down barriers that hinder its growth among the various units for the workers to work as a team as co-operation and co-ordination of tasks leads to the growth and development of the firm.
Deming’s fourth concept involves taking action, which entails restructuring the whole firm to cope up with changes in technology and the environment. Joran too like Deming went Japan to try to solve quality management issues. He said that quality is the suitability of any product or service for use, conformance, availability, safety and field use. Joran pays special attention to top-down management and use technical method in his definition of quality management.
Just like Deming ding did,Joran generated a ten-point improvement strategy which all sum up to three main areas of management decision making meaning his main focus is on management as quality administration leads to quality production which leads to high revenues as consumers fancy quality of products and services.
The main areas notions according to Dr. Juran are quality forecasting, Value control and excellent progress. Quality planning involves evolving an awareness of the need to grow thus making a company set realistic targets and channel its efforts towards achieving. Quality planning demands that a company has a highly trained staff for it set lay down its vision, mission and the production strategies.
As per the chairperson’s message, the Emirates Advanced Investment Group has a highly certified management team, which sees the company through its manufacturing processes. The management is committed to excellence and dedication of work thus using their talents to develop the firm by setting the required standards of quality. The management personnel has also defined strategic objectives that have been so crucial in measuring the company’s performance.Value control is clear way to assess the quality of a company’s product and services.
The Company assessed the quality of the products from the consumers’ view on them. Their projects were very significant to their customers as they were in high demand thus proving that the quality of their products and services weresuperb. In case they found out that a customer was displeased in any way, they acted accordingly to maintain their standards.
b. Quality management benefits in the Emirates Advanced Investment Group.
The enactment of the quality management philosophies helped the firm increase its efficiency as the ideas in the Deming and Joran theories enabled the firm to eliminate complications that arise in the systems of work as they focus on the key areas that need adjustment. They also review the superfluous tasks and processes. TQM in the firm encouraged consumer satisfaction, as its focus was onquality,thus it ensured that the firm offered goods and services to its clients.
The customers’ comments and recommendations contributed greatly to success of the Group as they made it diversify its production process leading to the improvement in the quality of goods and services to the firm. Total quality management created flexibility in the firm as it focused on the creation of different teams thus encouraging sharing of knowledge in the various industries as the management was centralized (Daniel, 2011).
Adoption of quality administration by the firm strengthened its competitive position locally and internationally as improvement in quality of the merchandises and services lured customers to the business. Quality management adoption increased the employee morale, as there exists a good relationship between the workers and the management.
The employee motivation led to the production of high quality products and services in the company at the workers had the zeal and willingness to do the job. TQM adoption in the firm also improved on the innovation of the firm as the team spirit created led to constant consultation leading to the creation of new ideas which when implemented had a positive impact on the company (ASQ, nd.).
5. Leadership status
a. The Emirates Advanced Investment Group Leadership Style
The company applies participative leadership style in it administration, which entails involvement of all unit heads in decision-making, as it is their collective responsibility to run the business entity smoothly. The overall leader who is the chief executive officer of the firm after concrete analysis of the various points that the team members bring up, makes the final decision on the policies to adopt in the firm.
The management team of the Emirates advanced Investment group comprises of highly competent professionals who have different skills which when combined, create an efficient and healthy organization. The workers in the organization are allowed to take part in the decision making process for the good of the firm thus boosting their morale greatly as they feel that their opinions matter a lot in the firm. The form of leadership has had a great impact as it has helped them accept all transition processes that the firm undergoes. The management and the staff of the Emirates Advanced Investment Group have worked together over the years to achieve the company’s objectives, targets, apparition and duty (Johnson, 2014).
b. Challenges encountered by Management in TQM implementation in the Company.
The management encountered a resistant workforce that was unwilling to embrace the total quality management for a variety reasons the main one being poor perception of the company’s objectives and targets thus leading to the losing of credibility of the implementation the program. The workers misinterpreted the implementation of the program as the company’s motivation. It was a great drawback but the company managed to counter it through the education of the workers on the importance of implementation of the program (Rose, 2014).
An adversarial relationship between the management and the workers should be eliminated as they hinder growth and success of the company. The workers of the company lacked proper understanding and training in all its units of production thus contributing to work resistance by the employees.
The work resistance led to poor production as the some of the workers were reluctant in their units of production. To counter the challenge, the company educated the workers from the management level to the subordinate level on the importance of teamwork to achieve the set goals and objective. The company encountered teamwork complacency in its efforts to enact total quality management, as it comprised of many groups due to its many units of production.
Some teams felt underrated thus making them feel that they had no authority. The situation made them be rebellious in an attempt to gain recognition. Application of quality management philosophies required that there be collaboration of all workers in the organization. Certain misconceptions regarding some industries of the firm during the initial years of its inception as the disparities in jobs was rampant where certain labor forces felt superior than others thus causing disunity among them making the idea of team work irrelevant (Newall& Dale, 1990). Another contributor the misinterpretations was the poor communication between the management and the workers thus many of the workers were unaware of the existence of the teams.
6. Employee Involvement Status
a. The concepts the Company follows to motivate its workers
The Emirates Advanced Group has a workforce of over five thousand employees in which thirty percent of them are Emirati meaning they come from within the United Arab Emirates. For maximum and effective output, the employees have to be motivated, as encouraged workers will put a lot of effort in every task they undertake to make it great. The employees are the best advertisers of company’s products and services as due to the love they have for their work, they will try as much as possible to make the firm succeed by marketing it in the best way possible.
The Emirates Advanced Group applies some concepts to encourage it workers do perform efficiently. The company has perfectly stated its vision, which acts as a guide for the workers as they channel all their efforts with the aim of achieving a certain goal. The vision gives them a sense of responsibility as it clearly defines what is expected of them in the firm.
The company provides for its employees all they need to carry out their tasks efficiently without any difficulties. Some of the jobs undertaken by some employees are very challenging thus; they need to be provided with some equipment to lighten their tasks. The company offers the necessary tools, teachings and support to boost their performance in the job. Moreover, the supervisors understand the workers capabilities thus try as much possible to uphold them. The management of the firm communicate well with workers thus; they are able to state their concerns. The orders given on certain tasks in the work place are perceived positively by the workers and are carried out meritoriously.
The human resource managers of the firm at times spend time with the workers asking them how they feel about their working conditions and what needs to be done to improve it. The responses of the workers helps the management to know the areas that need improvement and maintenance to ensure the company is working as alongside its vision. The supervisors and the heads of the different units of the company get the workers engaged in all they do therefore making them managers of their own selves.
The chairperson of the Company appreciates the effort put by the workers in helping the Company meet its targets and objectives and the act really motivates the employees to perform better as it makes them feel that the hard work they do is recognized. The establishment management respects and trust its workers thus making them trust them in return thus creating a healthy and a conducive working environment. The business has devised some ways to make the workplace enjoyable for the employees as being too engross in the job makes it boring and makes one tire quickly. The institution of laughter lightens a daunting task and that is what has made the company attain its success in the short period.
b. How the Emirates Advanced Group finds out its employees needs and requirements
Finding out what a firm’s employees needs plays a significant role in improving its performance as providing the required implements for the job motivates the workers to carry to their tasks with ease. The Emirates advanced Group uses some steps to identify what their workers need and provide for them accordingly to ensure continued production process of high quality goods and services. The supervisors of the company usually monitor the performance of the workers after a given time to see how they are doing and in their monitoring, they normally identify the specific problem areas and what is required by the workers to make things right.
Dependencies in the work place slower the production process thus the heads of the various department in the organization need to determine whether such areas exist and provide the necessary inputs for the workers to carry out their tasks comfortably. Workers who are independent perform their roles in the firm excellently as they have no hindrance as relying on an equipment from another worker might inconvenience the individual as the person may be using the tool.
It makes the person wait for him or her complete the task thus slowing down the completion of the job. As the firm plans to make improvements on its setting, it has to consider the effect the change will have on the workers as they do their work. Some employees require training but they normally find it hard to ask it from their employer. It is essential for the departmental heads to identify the areas where the employees need training as it heightens the production process. The firm needs to evaluate the results of the training it offers to its workers to assess whether there is need for more and its credibility on the individual’s performance. Workers need personal space at time to ease the fatigue they get in the work place therefore, the management should always be aware of the fact.
c. How the Emirates Advanced Investment Group acts on the employees findings
The Company provides all the necessary resources needed by the employees to make them feel comfortable at the workplace. The employees play a crucial role for the firm thus heeding to their requests creates consistency in the workplace. Training of employees on the different methods of production increases their performance in the job environment.
7.0 The Group’s customer satisfaction status
a. The customers of the firm.
The corporation has many different customers depending on the goods or service they require. Persons who want to travel by air are ideal customers for the company. Those who want their airplanes fixed can consult the aerospace department of the firm for assistance. The firm offers healthcare services thus patients can visit the firm health centers for consultation and treatment by their qualified doctors and other health professionals. Individuals who want installation of hi-tech information and communication systems in the homes and places of work should search no further, they should refer to the firm’s IT department for the quality services.
The largest income of the firm comes from its agricultural unit where it has specialized in offering a wide range of high value food products to its local and international customers. Individuals and firms who are seeking for quality architectural services should visit the firm’s offices in Abu Dhabi. Moreover, the firm has qualified construction managers thus people in dire need of project managers approach the firm for assistance.
Persons wishing to be trained on how to utilize the recreation industry to earn a living should approach the firm as it offers the recreational training at a very considerable price. Individuals interested in managerial and leadership training should call the firm’s qualified staff to see the through the education. The Company also offers healthcare training thus the individual who wish to have a career in the clinical sector should pay for the training at the firm and they will never regret it (EAIG, 2014).
b. How the company gets feedback from its customers
Customer’s feedback is very crucial as it guides a firm in the decision making process. The feedback helps a firm know how customers view their products and the areas they should improve on to enhance customer satisfaction. It is also a superb way to measure consumer satisfaction. The Emirates Group uses different approaches to get the feedback from its customers. The Company has fixed feedback boxes at strategic points to aid the firm gather as much information as possible.
Around the feedback boxes, are the feedback forms that the customers use to make recommendations on the performance of tasks at the firm. The feed back may be inform of complains, recommendations and appreciations notes. The boxes have an entry used to insert the notes with various comments. They are usually lockable and opened after some time to collect the notes to see what is written on them.
The Company also conducts surveys especially on social media to view peoples’ perceptions of its different products and services. The surveys might be long or short but it is important to keep them short as possible as most customers usually do not finish filling the long list of questions. The Company restricts the answers given by giving multiple choices for consumers to pick (KISSmetrics, 2014).
The Company at times reaches out to the consumers to gather information on the perceptions of the products. It is an efficient method of feedback collection as one gets firsthand information from the people who are fond of the firm’s products and services. It also not biased as some methods are as the individual may find it hard to lie in the presence of the interviewer.
The Company also uses usability tests to get the feedback especially in its food and agricultural department. It is an efficient way to gather information about consumers’ insights as it uncovers ideas customers do not know they are thinking about or struggling with the habit. It involves offering of free samples for use and keeping a record on the experiences after a given time (HelpScout, 2013). Social listening is also an essential method the company uses as direct comments might prove essential in the company’s redesigning.
c. The Company’s Action on the feedback
Consumers’ feed back are essential tools in decision making as they help the management of the firm in laying down the strategic plans of a company. They contribute to the diversification of the production process to suit the consumer needs. Where the feed back are positive, the company checks out for ways to modify the products and services to please the customers more hence increasing their demand (Lars, nd.). The insights make the company to produce goods according to consumer specification and not according their own perception that what they produce is good for the customers.
d. The company’s measures to combat the changing consumer wants
The Companies marketing specialists conduct intensive research to help them identify and understand who their potential customers are and what they treasure most about the firm. The strategy helps the firm ascertain the targets to set on the customers. The Company is compiling customer profiles to help them monitor the changes in demand of its produce. The prepares a broad range of both positive and negative possibilities of what might happen in the future thus making sure that the company has strong strategies to counter the changing trends (Ford, 2011).
8. Supplier relationship status
a. How the Company chooses it suppliers
The firm uses a well-defined strategy to choose its suppliers to minimize on costs and safeguard their quality. The Company has laid down certain concepts to choose their suppliers. The company considers the suppliers affordability where by the prices they charge on their products have to be favorable to the firm in that it will earn the desired profit from its pricing.
The prices they charge should match the quality of the produce thus ensuring that the firm does not suffer any loss. The reliability of the suppliers is another concept the company considers whereby they deliver the correct products and services in the specified time. Large suppliers are highly considered as they have sufficient resources and systems to deliver incase the delivery process encounters a problem. The company prefers suppliers who have been in the field for a long thus have a vast experience. The company opts for suppliers who are near as they ensure fast delivery time and low transport costs.
b. The Company’s supplier relationships
The Company merged with Mubadala Development and Tawazun the synergy opportunities by signing a treaty at the International Exhibition for Security and National Resilence. The partnership was meant to boost the technological capabilities and spur increased employment opportunities among the United Arab Emirates citizens. The association too progressed the UAE’s defense sector and led to the growth of the business entities (Nathan, 2011).
The Emirates Advanced Investment Group ISO certification
a. The groups various ISO certification and its benefits
The Group is ISO 9000 and ISO 9001 certified whereby the ISO 9000 is the International Standard for Quality Management whose sole aim is to stimulate the development of international standards globally which demands an organisation to say what is doing to ensure quality and document it to act as a proof that it abides with the ISO certification. ISO 9000 has several series which make it distinct.
As the organisation’s aim is to offer high qualities, it has been made ISO 9001:2000 which spells out certain conditions that have to be met to achieve consumer satisfaction through quality improvement. The ISO 9001 certification had several benefits to the firm which include elevation of the company’s level of competitiveness due to increased quality and the venture led to increase in the company’s profit probability.
The ISO led to advancement in employee motivation due the introduction of new schemes of work. The company’s accountability and trace ability advanced too because of the set regulation in the ISO certification. The production process in the company improved as the set regulation in the ISO certifications ensured that high quality goods and services were provided(IMSM Africa, nd).
b. General Benefits of getting ISO certified
Being ISO certified enhances customer satisfaction as the quality of the goods and services a business entity produces increase leading to more sales. The customers tend to buy more as the goods provide utility as it satisfies their wants fully. International standards usually open up a business to new markets both locally and internationally as it eliminates the trade barriers that hinder businesses from expansion, thus companies with large resources are encouraged to apply for the certification.
ISO certification of business entities leads to the conservation of the environment as the regulations on quality and waste management have a positive impact on the environment. It is a requirement by the law that companies that produce hazardous implement waste management procedures to make it harmless to the environment to conserve life.
10. Continuous Process Improvement
a. The companies Quality management tools.
The corporation can use quality management tools to base the many facts that arise in the implementation of total quality management. The tools lead to the implementation of the disparities in more systematic and permanent manner. It can use a fish borne diagram or a pareto chart. A fish borne diagram is also called a cause and effect diagram as it clearly highlights the various causes for a problem and the effect of the problem has on the firm. The advantage of a fish borne diagram is that can be used in a brainstorming session by stakeholders as they try to analyze a certain phenomenon. Below is a clear representation ofa fish borne diagram.
A pareto graph is a quality management tool that applies the six sigma concept in the presentation of the analysis of the ideas after a brainstorming session. It is very complex tool, as it requires concrete analysis of the case problem to draw a perfect chart. For effective adoption of the six-sigma concept, the company has to apply two motivating factors namely the robust design and the design for manufacture. Below is an example of a pareto graph (Bexcellence, nd.).
b. The company’s implementation of quality management tools and the barriers that hinder its adoption
For effective adoption of total quality management, a company has to employ quality management techniques for effective analysis of ideas to draw a viable solution to the problem and improve on the company’s performance. The fish borne diagram is used in the planning process of the firm where the stakeholders outline the problem to be looked in to and ascertain the problem’s root cause.
A fish borne diagram is an efficient tool as it brings out the relationship between different concepts thus helping the person to trace the root cause of the problem easily. It can be applied in the assignation of duties in the firm and in the tracing of the workflow in the firm. The pareto graph can be implemented in the acting phase of the after careful analysis of the problem where by the recommendations and the expected outcome after the enactment of the stated recommendations are documented.
However, the organization is prone to face some problems in the adoption and implementation of the selected quality management tools, which include under-estimation by the senior management on the commitment to TQM techniques, the firm’s desire for quality awards and certificates, the treatment of TQM as an add-on with little attention thus permitting external forces to run the TQM initiative. The problems hinder the implementation of the quality management tools in the firm.
C. Adoption of a quality management tool by the company
Quality, management tools are essential for a company as the help it put their plans into writing for clear illustrations and understanding. The company can adopt effectively the pareto chart which applies the six sigma concept. It arranges the issues in order of priority thus fastening the problem solving process. The issues are ordered in different timeframes according to their priority. Below is a graph depicting the cause and effect graph.
11. Implementation plan with justification.
Commitment to quality should be the key of any TQM system thus a firm should focus on quality improvement for its success, as the reason why TQM is applied is satisfy customers and suppliers through quality. The company should enhance its communication process to foster a conducive business environment. The management and the staff should recognize the need to change an enterprise’s culture to enhance its quality thus they should be willing to accept the change. TQM boosts a company’s competitive power in the global market thus the company should sought for ways to uphold the power to gain dominance as expected (Oakland, 1989). For a comprehensive TQM system to be achieved the management should be committed to the noble task as application of TQM is challenging.
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