Essay On Medication
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The current society has accepted the common norm that medication is the immediate solution for problems faced. We live in a society where stressful conditions are normal in life. These conditions shape how we react and live. They also determine the approach of one to life. The stresses that people face in normal life process defines their emotions. The emotions we feel are of the physical aspect or psychological manifestations. They serve as indicators of how life is fairing. On the positive side emotions keep us on the track by ensuring that life is guarded by different, but independent faculties of thought, memory and reason. In most difficult moments, life is characterized by different state of sadness for instance when we lose our loved ones. In such situations, a person may experience lack of sleep, and as aforementioned, people find refuge in medications. This essay agrees with Ted Gup assertion, which states that emotions should be experienced rather than diagnosed or medicated.
Emotions such as grief, sadness are reflective of the current condition that is being experienced. Emotions, therefore, arises from the situation at hand. Instead of diagnosing and recommending medication for treating emotions, we should learn to understand the prime causes of such emotional state. Medication or diagnosis act as a repression of the current state, but does not offer an ultimate solution to the condition. Inasmuch there are negative emotions, there are also positive emotions, which can offer or propel good state of well-being. It is should be understood that psychological reactions to different situations in life elicits chemical reactions in our body. Thus, choosing to ignore the emotional well-being might affect our physical condition.
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The system has become pro-active on valuing medication while ignoring what can be achieved by talk therapy. This has a created a situation in which even for one to pass exams, he or she has to rely on ‘memory enhancers’ a condition which has contributed to drug abuse. The purchase and sale of drugs is a perfect reflection of what is happening in the society. Youths and teenagers adopt the conditions, which were introduced to them at an early age. The permissive use of drugs and situations of over-diagnosis in treatment of emotional conditions represent a grave societal norm. Grief is a controversial provision in psychological condition such as depression. Grieving is a potential indicator of depression, which leads to loss of interest in life and low self-esteem. These conditions disassociate us from patterns of life and make us feel stripped off of our humanity.
In most cases, people tend to accept or become enshrined into escapist tendencies such as alcohol abuse. Using medications to treat emotions has been a campaign popularized by the media. There seems to exist all sorts of drugs, which are used to treat different levels of emotions. The amazing thing about human nature is the inherent coping skills that we possess. Use of medication and diagnosis has been accepted as the alternative to the coping skills. This has reached a point where people see a dead end when they are overwhelmed with emotions such as grief. This tendency has greatly undermined the salient nature that we require for coping. Treating and diagnosis of emotions put us at a risk of delegitimizing what is considered to be human.
There are some conditions, which do not require medical attention to alleviate. In some situations of life, endurance is required. The bond of love is required to lower some of the emotional wounds. It takes a considerable amount of energy to repress different emotions. It is from this realization that most pharmaceutical companies have manufactured generic drugs that can be used in suppressing these conditions. Drugs have been used to fix almost everything in life from sleep to sex. Giving the case of his son as an example, Ted presents a situation in which diagnosis is given to a patient without any psychiatrist follow-up.
Emotions should not be treated using medications. The causes of emotional downside should be tackled first. This involves sharing pressing issues with the people one trusts in life. This can help greatly in alleviating emotional breakdown. The notion self-medication has been accepted and is ruining lives instead of rectifying the problem. The diagnosis and treatment of emotions exposes one to physical and mental problems, which extrapolate to drug dependence. Instead of relying on medication, one needs to understand what defines human behaviour. Once the underlying human behaviour is determined, there will be an easier and healthier way of coping with emotions. Knowing and understanding belief systems will change our views and perceptions on different emotions. Some beliefs in life have negative influences and can affect our emotions. Understanding what underlies in human beliefs is a great step towards emotional freedom. In life, there will be hardships and challenges, and it is normal to be caught up in such situations. Medication and diagnosis of emotion does not provide a permanent solution.
Patient’s demographic and social information written as you would introduce a case in Grand Rounds, for example, “Ms. Smith (do not use real names) is a X-year-old, etc . . . . who presented at (location) to be seen regarding (your selected topic) . . .”
10 year old African American Male patient brought into clinic by mother who reports was recently discharge from hospital for acute asthma exacerbation. Here today with c/o cough and difficulty breathing. Running nose and elevated temp which has now been resolved with over the counter Tylenol. Patient has history of multiple admissions to the hospital for acute asthma exacerbation. Mother reports child repeatedly loses inhalers. Mother also states she does not check for inhaler nightly and the child will go weeks hiding the fact that he lost inhaler. The mother reports that the child often gets a lot of pain when he exercises a lot. The mother has a lot of problems with finances and consequently, the patient losing his inhalers has therefore, decreased her financial capability and consequently, this has been a major problem as the patient has gone several times without finances. The Mother is on private pay patient insurance and consequently, there is a problem when it comes to paying the bills in the hospital.
History of present illness (when it started, has it gotten better or worse and how, what have you done/taken for it, and what the results were), first incidence or recurrence, etc.
Onset: When did the Asthma exacerbation start and when did the heavy breathing start. The Asthma exacerbation started when the patient was five years old. This was also the same case with heavy breathing. It started when the child was five years old.
Location/radiation: Where exactly does the pain come from and are there any other parts of the body that the pain is also felt. The pain often comes from the chest area and in specific from the lung areas.
Duration: For how long has the Asthma exacerbation being going on. When does the Asthma attack occur and when does the heavy breathing start? The Asthma exacerbation has been going on for over five years.
Character: In what ways does the problem with Asthma interfere with the daily activities? Has it affected physical activities? The child is not able to sleep well. Further, he is also unable to take part in physical activities.
Aggravating factors: What are some of the factors that worsen the pain and the Asthma exacerbation. Several aggravating factors include the conducting of physical exercise as well as cold place to sleep at night. Further, sleep with other people have also opened doors towards the aggravating factors.
Relieving factors: What medications often relieve the symptoms? If so, what are some of these medications.
Timing: Has the problem being getting worse over time, or has it stayed better. Further, what are some of the times that the condition gets worse. The problem has unfortunately being given worse.
Severity: When in the physical exercise, what is the rate of pain. This should be illustrated using a visual chart. The pain stands at a 7
Therefore, it can be established that indeed there is a recurrence of the problem when the patient is engaging in physical activities. Further, it is important to realize that indeed at night, there the condition gets worse especially when the cold kicks in. Patient developed asthma around five years ago and over the last two-three years symptoms appear to become more severe. He has been taking the albuterol once per day each 50 ml. when he has frequent as well as persistent asthma symptoms there is a need to change the dosage in an upward matter.
Relevant past medical history
Positive for sleep apnea
Bronchiolitis at 8 month required no medication or hospitalization
•Relevant past surgical history
No surgery history
Family history: (Keep in mind when researching relevant citation, a few of the test can be done because patient at risk for the family history illness. )
Mother: diabetes, hypertension, and depression
Father: obesity
Sibling: healthy
Review of systems
Address all below: this should be all subjective information (what patient states). Keep this information short direct! Example skin: patient denies any history of skin disorder, eye: Mother reports patient vision 20/20, denies use of corrective lens.
-General: Male patient, pleasant cooperative who answer all questions appropriately.
-Cardiovascular: The mother reports that the patient has never had any cardiovascular problems in the past.
-Skin: The patient denies any history of skin disorder
-Respiratory- The mother states that the patient has a history of asthma and bronchitis.
-Eyes-The mother reports that the patient does not have any vision problems.
-Gastrointestinal-The patient has no history of gastrointestinal problems.
-Ears-The patient has no history of any hearing disorder.
-Genitourinary /Gynecological-The patient according to the mother does not have any genitourinary disorder.
-Nose/Mouth/throat-The patient has not history of the nose/mouth/throat disorders.
-Musculoskeletal-Further, it is important to realize that the patient has no history of any musculoskeletal disorder.
-Neurological- According to the mother, the patient has no history of any neurological disorder.
-Psychiatric-The patient does not have any history of any psychiatric disorder.
Objective information
address all systems: Information should be what medical practitioner observed ex; general Patient happy / alert cooperative answering questions appropriately. Patient well-groomed in clean clothes ambulating throughout office without difficulty.
The patient was well groomed and was in clean clothes, he seemed calm and walked in the room with ease. He did not seem to be suffering from any pain. However, it is important to realize that indeed there was a problem with the way he looked at his mother. It was as if he was afraid. The mother excused the situation and argued that it was because the patient had just lost another inhaler.
-Cardiovascular: The cardiovascular system of the patient was alright and it was performing in an optimal manner.
-Skin: The skin was flawless and there was no any sign of any skin disorder.
-Respiratory: The lungs were puffed up, the bronchitis were clogged up and when the patient sneezed, there was a wheezing sound.
-Eyes- The eyes were in good condition
-Gastrointestinal- There was no problem with the gastrointestinal
-Ears-There was no evidence of any ear disorders-Genitourinary /Gynecological- There was no evidence of any genitourinary disorder.
Initial Differential Diagnoses (3) Bronchiolitis
1.Asthma: statics and standard treatment guideline recommendation by CDC
-Objective data:
-Physical exam- there was no physical exam.
-Recommend chest x-ray
•Initial impression or refined differential diagnoses:
-Further labs or other testing indicated; consultations/referrals needed
Recommend chest x-ray: (x-ray is outpatient)
Skins tests-His father had a medical history of smoking over 20 years ago. medical history he is a smoker x’s 20 years)
Peak flow- the peak flow meter can be described as a simple device that often measures how hard one can be able to breathe out (Jacknewitz-Woolard, 2012
The patient after being tested by the spirometry, showed that there was narrowing of bronchial tubes and the patient could not be able to inhale a lot of air after a deep breath (grammar issue). It is important to realize that indeed he could not breathe out. Further, the peak flow meter showed that indeed several signs in the lungs which meant that they were not working right.
It is critical to realize that that the right medication often depends on a number of things such as the age and asthma triggers (Kendig & Wilmott, 2012). In this case, there is a need for patient to be compliant with prescribe daily medication to prevent recurrent asthma attacks. It is important to realize that indeed there is a problem when it comes to African Americans, there is an increased chance of Asthma especially after physical exercise. According to CDC, African Americans are a high risk group when it comes to contracting Asthma as compared to other ethnic groups. The inhaled corticosteroids that need to be used include anti-inflammatory drugs such as Flonase, budenoside and fluticasone furoate (identify center of disease and prevention dosing recommendation and benefit of these listed drugs)
Education: The patient needs to understand the consequences of his asthmatic condition; the parent should ensure that indeed he is aware about asthma, its consequences and health concerns that come with the disease.
Medication: There is a need to give Albuterol (Proventil), 1 to 2 puffs every 4 to 6 hours as needed.
Nonmedication- helps in exercising
Evaluation and Revisions:
Return to clinic to evaluate medication effectiveness:
Review lab results and further intervention recommendation
•What do you wish you had done initially that you didn’t think of?
Take a lab test in order to note if oral corticosteroids should be managed within 45 minutes of the start of indications in an severe asthma exacerbation.
Kendig, E. L., & Wilmott, R. W. (2012). Kendig and Chernick's disorders of the respiratory tract in children. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier/Saunders.
Nuijsink, M. (2013). Phenotype-driven asthma treatment in children. S.l: s.n..
Chidekel, A. S. (2012). Curbside consultation in pediatric asthma: 49 clinical questions.
Jacknewitz-Woolard, J. E. (2012). Asthma clinical practice guideline implementation and evaluation in a military treatment facility pediatric clinic.