Essay On Marketing and advertising
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Marketing and advertising
The marketing strategy should focus on sex appeal. Sex appeal in advertising is often generally viewed as an effective strategy to attract attention to the brand. The pervasiveness of this approach can be described as evidence of the fact that indeed companies believe that it works well. Regarding personal care products, sex appeal can be described as the attention getter in an ad in some ways. The most obvious reason sex appeal works in promoting is that indeed it grabs attention.
Males are especially attracted to this type of advertising. It is often powerful instinctive attraction that helps people to focus on anything else that they might be doing. The sexual appeal plays off curiosity. Further, many advertisers have often understood that indeed even if the put up overly controversial images, and even when they are taken off the air, they will most likely stir up discussions about the advertisement as well as the product that is associated with it (Belch, 2001). Therefore, this makes the name of the product stay in the minds of consumers for a longer time.
It is important to ensure that in the personal product advertisement, there is a need to make sure that people are not puzzled by the sexual appeal of the advertisement that they are not able to remember what the advertisement was for in the first place. It is critical to understand that there is no need to create a sensual or sexual message when all persons can remember is the image and not the brand name.
Therefore, there is a need to make sure that indeed the sexual and the sensual images are connected to the personal product being promoted. This will be able to create a link between the product and the images and make the viewer much more likely to retain the product that is being advertized.
The male advertisers will be attracted to this advertisement. The rationale will be to buy the product and get the girl. It is critical to understand that what is considered acceptable might at times varies from one location to another. For example, in a larger metropolitan area with a diverse as well as less conservative population and this might be more likely to bring advertizing that is risqué. This is not the same case with a rural as well as a conservative religious community. The message will be tailored to the age group of 18-35 males. This includes the understanding of the different feelings and beliefs regarding public sexuality.
The cultural demographics that will be considered for this personal care product will be white males, black males, as well as Latinos. It is important to understand to note that research has shown that white males are often more used to using personal care products as compared to Latinos and black males. Therefore, they will be the main target market of the product. However, it is important to understand that the other cultural groups will be taken into consideration and there are different products that will be tailored to these other groups (Maddock & Fulton, 1996).
The company intends to make a lot of profits and this can be done through effective sales, and the white cultural group is the most receptive towards male personal care products. Therefore, the marketing team will ensure that it indeed targets this group of persons and ensure that they are well informed about the product.
There is also a need to focus on the high-end black and Latino males. These are persons that have an increased income in their cultural group. Research has again showed that high-income earners from the black and Latino community are more likely to purchase personal care products. For this reason, there is a need for the marketing team to ensure that these cultural groups are targeted in advertisements and that promotions are carried out that directly looks at their style (Maddock & Fulton, 1996). It is important that the products are well adjusted to fit the different skin types.
It is critical to understand that the company should follow the footsteps of several companies that have first identified the target market and, therefore, spend more on developing products that are tailored to the specific cultural group. Therefore, in regards to the advertisement, there will be a need to ensure that there is no cultural group that is left out and that the advertisements are carried out in the media that is often frequented by the cultural group.
This strategy of focusing differently on the different cultural subgroups will be effective as persons will find satisfaction in a product that is tailored for them. Further, the use of sex appeal, as indicated, will be important as it cuts across the divide of culture, and all the three cultures are often attracted to sexual and sensual advertisements.
The advertising will use a group mentality and bandwagon appeal in order to make sure that the consumers buy the product. The group mentality and bandwagon appeal is important as it makes the consumers to believe that indeed they are missing out by addressing the different consumer needs to belong (Maddock & Fulton, 1996). The advertisements should show persons using the personal care products and having lots of success for the persons that are using the product. There is then a need to ignore the individuals who chooses another product or chooses a less popular product. Therefore, the people that are not using the product will feel left out by what other persons are doing (Shaw, 2012).
This will be reinforced by a focus on the consumers functional and practical need for the product. The advertisements should ensure that it emphasizes the features of the product and the services as well as the benefits and reasons for owning and using that particular brand (Maddock & Fulton, 1996). It is important to understand that indeed consumer purchase decisions in most instances are often made on the basis of both objective and emotional motives. Therefore, it is critical that the marketing team gives both these elements a level of importance when it comes to the development of effective advertising.
Personal products often make a person more confident and it relates to the customer’s social and psychological needs when it comes to the purchasing of the product and services. In most instances, this appeal is often so effective, and this is because many consumers motive for purchase decisions are often emotional (Maddock & Fulton, 1996).
Therefore, many advertisers therefore, believe that an emotional appeal works better with personal products. The advertisements should also shoulder on the emotional appeal given the fact that they are able to bring in more customers that want their social and psychological needs to be met.
There is a need to get the product to the consumer’s consideration set. It is of importance to note that a successful advertisement often creates a desire in viewers, the listeners, and readers. Further, the advertisement in order to get to the consideration set of the consumers, it should provide information on how to fulfill that desire and the make the potential customer to feel good about doing so (Maddock & Fulton, 1996).
There are too many personal care products in the market and, therefore, using the proper advertising increases the likelihood and chances that the advertisement dollars will be able to effectively return value.
The first technique to use will be repetition. It is of the essence to note that repetition is a simple but yet effective technique that is used to build identity awareness as well as customer memory. Even if advertisements that use other successful approaches can mention the product or the company name, then this allows the advertiser to effectively give the message.
The use of claims is also important in that it promotes specific features, and it continues to make claims about what the product and service can be able to do for the potential customers by providing successful results. It is critical that in the case of personal care products the claims can be able to state facts and use hype words such as helps, the best, and no other in the market (Maddock & Fulton, 1996).
Lastly, it is important to use the bandwagon technique in order to sell the product and convince the customers that other persons are using the product and, therefore, there is a need for them to jump in and use them.
The advertisement should stress that the customer might be left out if they do not buy what is being currently sold. Lastly, there is a need for coupons, games with prizes and gifts with purchases that create excitement and participation. This is often important as it encourages the customers to build a relationship with the product and service.
Belch, G. E., & Belch, M. A. (2001). Advertising and promotion: An integrated marketing communications perspective. Boston, Mass: Irwin/McGraw-Hill.
Maddock, R. C., & Fulton, R. L. (1996). Marketing to the mind: Right brain strategies for advertising and marketing. Westport, Conn: Quorum Books.
Shaw, M. (2012). Copywriting: Successful writing for design, advertising, and marketing.London: Laurence King Publishing.