Essay On The Navy
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The Navy
I have always wanted to be a Naval officer. In fact, since I was a young boy, I have envisioned being adorned in the white clothes of the Sailors. I can describe myself as a patriot to the United States of America. For this reason, I have always envisioned providing duty to my country through the Military. It was the instance of 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina that made me change my mind and I completely decided that I wanted to be a sailor.
I could not believe the untold suffering that existed after 9/11 after families were separated from their loved ones. The country was in shock and there were persons responsible for this injustice. I was motivated to join the forces and go and make sure that the integrity of the United States borders was not in any way breached. The Terrorists in the 9/11 had touched the core of America and consequently, all patriots felt the need to wake up and move towards ensuring that that action indeed never happened again.
Every country understands that there is a need to have and maintain regimental armed forces, not only physically but mentally as well (Pokrant, 1999). Whether in the Marines, Air force, Coast Guard, Navy, and the US government provides structured training in order to keep the military personally safe as well as the families "back home" (Pokrant, 1999). The military is hell-bound in defending the United States borders and it uses high tech devices to do so and this venture often needs money.
Therefore, the most obvious reason as to why the military is importance is because of defense. The military often helps in the community services (Pokrant, 1999). For example, during Hurricane Katrina, the National Guard and the army played an important role in terms of evacuation, as well as the delivery of supplies to the area. I saw this persons creating great service towards the people of America and I further admired them. Their hard work and commitment to ensuring that indeed the United States was a better place was out of this world.
Their hearts according to me pumped with the zeal of patriotism and consequently, it can be argued that this hard work slowly attracted me to this disciplined force. It is of importance to also note that the military has been of profound importance in the promotion of the Nation's heritage and especially patriotism. The people that serve in the United States military are often regarded to as patriots and for they are seen as promoting the American dream whether domestically or even overseas (Pokrant, 1999).
The word military often parallels with the word such as courage, duty, honor, sacrifice and duty. Therefore, these are words that I would wish to be associated with. They are words which can only be accorded to a dutiful sailor man and consequently, my dream for a military career.
In terms of pay, the Military can be described as a good employer. They pay well according to the services that one renders and this is coupled by the fact that a military man can be able to easily tour the world, see new cultures and understand the diversity that exists in the society. In conclusion, the military has always been a beautiful place for me and more especially the Navy. Their hard work, commitment, patriotism and courage are some of the things that have helped me make a decision that indeed I want to be a Sailor.
Pokrant, M. (1999). Desert Storm at sea: What the Navy really did. Westport, Conn. [u.a.:
Greenwood Press.